Signs He Likes You but is Afraid of Rejection

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Signs He Likes You but is Afraid of Rejection

Are you wondering if that special someone has feelings for you but is holding back? There are several signs that someone may be interested in you but is afraid of rejection.

Firstly, they may give mixed signals, sending both positive and negative cues. They may act nervous around you or avoid spending time with you altogether. However, they may also make an effort to get to know you better, initiate conversations or ask about your interests.

Secondly, they may compliment you frequently, but in a subtle way that doesn't reveal their true feelings. They may also try to impress you by sharing their achievements or talents.

Thirdly, they may become protective of you and show concern for your well-being. They may offer to help you with tasks or offer to accompany you to events.

Lastly, they may act differently around you compared to other people. They may seem more nervous or shy, or try to hide their true feelings by acting aloof or distant.

If you notice these signs, it's possible that the person is interested in you but is afraid of being rejected. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with them to find out where you stand.
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