Batcher's Bitonic Sort

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Visualization and "audibilization" of "Batcher's Bitonic Sorting Network" algorithm.
Odd-Even Merge Sort | Parallel Algorithm | Sorting Networks
Comparison of parallel and sequential sorting algorithms
Iterative Bitonic Sort
Lecture 11 - Bitonic Sort
Parallele Programmierung 6, Sortieralgorithmen Teil 2
Recursive Bitonic Sort
15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes
Binary Search in Python: Find Bitonic Peak
Every Sorting Algorithm Explained in 120 minutes (full series)
'Weave' Sorting Network
Parallel Present : Merge Sort
Parallel Sorting
Radix msd sort
Sorting Algorithms Decoded: Visual & Audible Guide
when the sorting algorithm hit different
18 - Parallel Sort-Merge / Sorting Algorithms (CMU Databases / Spring 2020)
Sound of Sorting - Radix Sort(s)
GrailSort - A stable, in-place, worst-case O(n log n) sort
Sound of Sorting - Insertion Sort(s)
Odd-Even Merge and Pairwise Sort (but not quite how I remember them..)
50+ Sorts, Visualized - Swirl Dots
Sound of Sorting - Cycle Sort
Sound of Sorting - Block Merge Sort (WikiSort)