Why Should Companies Go Global?

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Need an antidote for shrinking domestic markets? Consider international markets. It offers unparalleled opportunity for growth, increased sales, diversified markets and increased profit for successful businesses.

Unfortunately, many U.S. companies gaze with trepidation at the process and surrender to fear before making an earnest effort. The main problem is simply a mindset, which contributes to a lack of experience, talent and confidence on behalf of U.S. business people to navigate emerging global markets. Other smaller countries around the world, however, have operated globally with success for generations.

Are You Ready To Go Global?
Unlike smaller countries that think globally from the beginning of a product's life cycle, and don't separate domestic strategy from a cross-border sales and marketing strategy, U.S companies typically consider global expansion only after achieving a high level of domestic success. In this scenario, a well marketed product or service already exists, but new markets are needed to continue upward profitability.

Before starting the search for new markets, however, businesses must administer an honest self assessment with close examination of organizational commitment, budgetary constraints, human capital, international expertise, and global objectives. Given the assessment results, the precise time may not be right; but, being aware of the risks as well as the opportunities is important. In any case, businesses need to continually circle back to consider global sales outlets, opportunities and look for the right conditions. In today's economic climate, no rock can be left unturned in search for new opportunities.
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I totally disagree with the assumption that the US is not self-sufficient. We have global choices that make it cheaper for us to produce things but we can sustain better than any other country in the world. Also, I know that this is a rather old video but the wealth to population ratio is not right. The US is a world leader for many reasons and wealth is at the top of the list.

The US actually exports wealth globally so if you are going to make assumptions, that is the one to make. The world needs the US and if you are not thinking globally in your business, you are missing a great deal of markets that are looking for what you have to offer.


From Marguerite O'Brien
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