Wen Shibarium...

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Nice video and thanks for breaking it down. Even with the current dip in crypto currency’s, I’m still glad I can smile 😊 back at my portfolio of $102, 800 built from my weekly trade, I’m having my fourth withdrawal in 21 business days


I think it’s going to happen actually on Marvel’s Quantumania. On 2/17…

Cuz remember it said get your popcorn ready!

Idk maybe I’m wrong but I think it could be a present in that movie that Scott brings to Cassie 🤷🏽‍♂️


In SHIBA INU we trust ! Shiba inu is on the midway to the moon, we got a negative and positive comment about SHIBA but the truth will survive finally SHIB will become international money in the future


Here a break down, when the fed bring the interest rate in feb snd also in March crypto will fall a bit and when shiberium arrives it will change nothing.

There ya go you can thank me until 2024 when I come back and nothing has changed except for these clickbait videos uploaded every few hours


Of course if they release it on a the downturn then it will be harder to make that easy big money. They might want to see a natural growth for the release & not have a massive pump & dump. I'm keeping my expectations low because being long at some point will be key to seeing the max gains I want.


Well agree 1 Penny is nice but look we have deleted 1 zero since end of 2021, it will take 4 years at least to hit 1 Penny.
Dont think that shibarium will create a way to 1 Penny for Shiba, that is too easy and quick!


*A $32, 000 profit sent to my portfolio each week, Ms. Elizabeth Armstrong Palmer is amazing.*


Can u make video on pre launch crypto projects and how to buy And a link of on how to buy. Them now


Best utility so far in whole crypto space


My story of crypto has ended 😂 as I have lost my metamask acc today cause I forgot the password and didn’t have the special phrase 6k


Thank you for your video, the market seems to be going up but a lot of people lost huge sums already.  I Will advice traders especially newbies to have guidance of trading before they get involved in it because the Crypto market has been unstable, forget predictions and start making good profit now because future valuations are all guesses.  I must say trading offers more benefits than just holding and i have made over 11BTC from day trading with Mrs Susan insights and signals in less than 3 weeks..


How much shiba inu should I have? I have 4M coins. Is that enough?


Thanks for ur time but don't forget fund unification!!


Bata release so don't really matter on release date


I usually lurk and never write but why wouldn't you be excited over Amazons AM2023?


Can't deny the fact that Amazons XOL55T has the strongest bet to bring lights back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good but the pressure is too high and I think they will keep proper liquidity rather than these others. Don't see them going bankrupt any time soon.


I expect nothing. Everybody thought ETH would skyrocket after the split, and nothing happened. It went down.


Anyone else feeling messed up with all the bad happening? Glad that Amazons XOL55T is giving power to the people which is not what I personally expected but it's there and everyone can get a good share of that. Don't just take my words on this, best is if you have a grasp yourself what they wanna do and what the vision is like. Probably something which will change the next generations and decide if it makes sense to run digital currencies or not


Just few days in new year Amazons XOL55T is clearly setting up the new milestone! The only real way to counter the current recession is by acting on yourself, making own decisions and making sure that you got enough no matter what happens. If you trust conventional ways you might end up being homeless or worse at one day, seriously.. This is why I believe in projects like this one which are clearly there to make a difference and it starts right now


Well guess what we just had FTX crashing and now we have the new giant. Just few hours ago Amazons XOL55T asset hit the roads. I think they have a better chance to run these things since their funds are pretty much unlimited?
