🔴 Let's build a Realtime Chat App with REACT NATIVE using Mongo Db (MERN STACK)

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we will build a real time chat app with react native from scratch and this is going to be a lot of fun and if you find this interesting please smash the like button for me 💯 ,also consider subscribing!!

we will learn and explore about different design and styling and upgrade our skill set!!

keep hustling ❤️keep sharing knowledge ❤️
In this hands-on tutorial, we will cover everything from setting up the development environment to building the user interface and implementing real-time functionality. React Native will be our framework of choice, allowing us to create a cross-platform mobile app that works seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices.

MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, will serve as our backend to store and manage the chat data. You will learn how to set up a MongoDB database, configure the necessary APIs, and establish a connection between the app and the database.

More Projects And Tutorials!

***** steps to make this work on your own phone! || also check out the comments for answers!

updating the API URL in your client-side code is necessary to ensure that your app makes API requests to the correct server. However, you may also need to update the server-side configuration to match the IP address or domain name changes

.connect("mongodb://yourIpAddress/yourprojectnameinmongodb", {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
.then(() = {
.catch((err) = {

if doesn't work, in place of ipaddress add it should probably work!

then ...


then in the frontend-part while initialising the function you need to make the change


**** To get the ip adress of your sytem
Mac = ipconfig getifaddr en0
Windows = ipconfig

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Рекомендации по теме

I've been looking all over the internet for a simple but helpful project. I really appreciate your excellent work


I like the way of writing the API's based on the requirement at that moment, instead of writing all the API's first and then doing Client side part. Great way of teaching 👍


Subscribed !!! I'm become your fan bro. You made it so easy & this video was so detailed. I will try this for sure.


I think this is the best simple chatApp for beginners . I really appreciate


Very Helpful and easy to understand. 😄 Thank you so much for this amazing explanation


great video! Thank you!
I would have been even better if you would implement a websocket - in order for the recipient to get his message, the minute the sendr sends it


I really hope you can make a tutorial on how to make a point of sale application using react native


How would I add a group chat function, or do u have plans to make an updated tutorial with group chat function?


I am writing same time with video, why I get registration failed [AxiosError: Network Error] ? I did everything right. But I cant solve at 58:22 problem


At 3:58:00 in windows it won't work like that, we can't write directly \ inside string in javascript and in windows file structure is in that format only, even in mongodb pls tell workaround this i dont wanna abandon after reaching so far


Hello, good job with your tutorial. Just a quick question. With the way you are building a complete backend within your Expo app, how do you go about your deployment. I am thinking since Expo is a client based application, are you not supposed to put your backend in a separate folder completely outside of your expo app...? So that you can deploy the backend separately from the expo. I am not sure how you can deploy both the expo apk together with a complete backend inside the expo. Is there something I am missing ...?


Anyways, Thanks for the video. I am inspired from you. ❤


nice tutorial bro. thanks for this one.


Key "uri" in the image picker result is deprecated and will be removed in SDK 48, you can access selected assets through the "assets" array instead. Please help image not display when send images


You did a very good job. I wish this is "Realtime Chat". The recipient does not get the message in Realtime . Please can you make it Realtime Chat?


which extensions are you used for auto suggestion and by press enter or tab that code will be writtten


Kindly make one video of react native cli using databse xampp server if possible or even mongodb but make one complete video please


Hey Sujan, can u please make a video for deploying this app and run it on physical device. please!!!


Awesome work. I wish you could add group feature to it


If we take apk build with this setup is this api will work or this api need to deploy any cloud platform ??
