Ciprian Manolescu | Four-dimensional topology

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In the Spring 2020 semester, the CMSA will be hosting a lecture series on literature in the mathematical sciences, with a focus on significant developments in mathematics that have influenced the discipline, and the lifetime accomplishments of significant scholars. Talks will take place throughout the semester. All talks will take place virtually.
Speaker: Ciprian Manolescu (Stanford)
Title: Four-dimensional topology
Abstract: I will outline the history of four-dimensional topology. Some major events were the work of Donaldson and Freedman from 1982, and the introduction of the Seiberg-Witten equations in 1994. I will discuss these, and then move on to what has been done in the last 20 years, when the focus shifted to four-manifolds with boundary and cobordisms. Floer homology has led to numerous applications, and recently there have also been a few novel results (and proofs of old results) using Khovanov homology. The talk will be accessible to a general mathematical audience.
Speaker: Ciprian Manolescu (Stanford)
Title: Four-dimensional topology
Abstract: I will outline the history of four-dimensional topology. Some major events were the work of Donaldson and Freedman from 1982, and the introduction of the Seiberg-Witten equations in 1994. I will discuss these, and then move on to what has been done in the last 20 years, when the focus shifted to four-manifolds with boundary and cobordisms. Floer homology has led to numerous applications, and recently there have also been a few novel results (and proofs of old results) using Khovanov homology. The talk will be accessible to a general mathematical audience.
Ciprian Manolescu | Four-dimensional topology
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Ciprian Manolescu
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Ciprian Manolescu 1.1, An Overview of the IAS | PCMI Graduate Lecture Series (GSS) (IAS | PCMI)
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A knot Floer stable homotopy type, C.Manolescu (Stanford)