Alexander Skarsgård Got the Worst Haircut Ever! | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV

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Alexander Skarsgård showed up at a Louis Vuitton event in New York City and it just turns out he had the worst haircut ever. We’re assuming it’s for some new role he’s playing, because if this is a fashion statement, he definitely missed the mark.

Hair today, gone tomorrow.

…and now we’re left to wonder what was he thinking?

Alexander Skarsgård showed up at a Louis Vuitton event in New York City with the worst haircut we’ve ever seen… and we’re just hoping it’s for some new role we don’t know about.

As you can see, the 41-year-old now looks like your creepy uncle, having shaved off the top of his dome while leaving the sides fully intact.

It’s no wonder we saw him that morning with a beanie on his head. Of course, at the time we had no idea he was a hiding such a surprise under his hat.

In the past Alex has spoken about putting his craft above his appearance… saying that it’s important that he lets himself be true to the characters he plays. Because if he’s worried about how his fans will react to him being a little chubby, pale, or looking a little older, than he’s not doing his job.

So chalk this look up for the home team.


Alexander Skarsgård Got the Worst Haircut Ever! | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV
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Of course it for a roll stop being ridiculous
