PT-19 Control Line Model Airplane - An Unnerving Touch & Go and then...

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There's a lot of rebuild love I've put into my ARF PT-19 from Hangar 9 and there is more to come after this flight! Thanks @snoopdougie1 for launching & videoing! Thanks for watching and enjoy! I've added a list of Control Line resources below this plane's rebuild history.
Cheers! Andy
- First rebuild: Stiffen the front end
- Added maple motor mounts that went back to the wing
- 2 layers of 1/32nd plywood doublers on each side of the fuse
- Drilled for an OS FP 40; later downsized to a 35
- Added adjustable uniflow tank
- Second rebuild: Landing gear repair after a cased landing
- Rebuilt gear support structure in the wing
- Third rebuild: Pancaked at the bottom of an 8
- Rebuilt top of nose with ply
- Rebuilt front & rear windshield and replaced pilot
- Reattached tail
- Pending forth rebuild: Outboard wing & rear fuse.

Here are some control line resources:
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