Dream vs. Nagito Komaeda - Rap Battle! - ft. Eric the Audible & Snakebite126

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dream vs. nagito komaeda - rap battle! - ft. eric the audible & snakebite126

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Gaming Rap Battles:

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Eric the Audible as Dream (audio)

RNG as Dream (video)

Snakebite126 as Nagito Komaeda

Written by Snakebite126

Directed by Snakebite126, Shishroomie, GamingPlush64, Rabi, Zagranis & Freshy Kanal

Audio Playback by Zagranis & Shimario

Mixed and Mastered by Freshy Kanal

Beat Produced by

Additional Instruments by
Freshy Kanal & Musiclide

Storyboard by
Freshy Kanal, Snakebite126, Shimario, GamingPlush64, Rabi, Fightmarker

Video Edited by Shimario, Freshy Kanal, Snakebite126, Rabi & GamingPlush64

Dream Sprite by RobotRitchie

Thumbnail by Shimario

Monokuma Model by KaylinYGO

Outro Art by JesseBox

freshy kanal is a youtube channel that makes rap battles with different characters like video game rap battles, erbparodies and of course epic rap battles of history themselves, yall are EPIC aaand yea what else do i do, cooking shows, behind the scenes of the rap battles, tutorials yada yada yada

nagito komaeda (狛枝 凪斗), is a student of hope's peak academy's class 77-b, and a participant of the killing school trip featured in danganronpa 2: goodbye despair. his title is the ultimate lucky student lit. super high school level good luck).

he, along with class 77-b, return in danganronpa 3: the end of hope's peak high school to explore their school life leading up to the tragedy.

he also makes an appearance in danganronpa another episode: ultra despair girls as "servant". length and naturally wavy, of an unnaturally pale pinkish. nagito rap battle dream

nagito wears a thin, knee-length dark green zipper coat with a jagged-cut tail, which he leaves unzipped. it has a red square pattern across the right shoulder, and a large, square-shaped '55' on the back, a skull charm, and pale brown shoes, each fastened by two zippers.

dream (born august 12, 1999) is an american youtuber and twitch streamer who is known primarily for creating minecraft nagito rap battle dream content.

dream gained substantial popularity in 2019 and 2020 having uploaded videos based around the game minecraft. he is well known for his youtube series minecraft manhunt and his speedruns of minecraft. youtube awarded dream the streamy award for gaming in 2020 and 2021.

in a january 2021 article, dream vs nagito rap battle steven asarch of business insider attributed dream's growth during 2019 and 2020 "to his understanding of the youtube algorithm", noting that "he puts his keywords in the right places, capitalizes on trends, and makes thumbnails that dream vs nagito rap battle fans want to click on."

dream is a member of the "dream team", dream vs nagito rap battle along with fellow youtubers sapnap and georgenotfound. the group frequently collaborate to create new content. dream also has a dream vs nagito rap battle friendly rivalry with fellow minecraft youtuber technoblade.

minecraft manhunt
dream's most well-known and most-watched series is minecraft manhunt. dream vs nagito rap battle in minecraft manhunt, one player—usually dream—attempts to finish the game as fast as possible without dying,

#rapbattle #dream #danganronpa

dream vs. nagito komaeda - rap battle! - ft. eric the audible & snakebite126
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Holy fuck dude. This has been a passion project of mine that’s been in the works for almost a year and I’m so fucking glad to see it finally come to life. Thank you so much for the opportunity Dustin and huge thanks to everyone involved that helped this be the best it possibly could.


"congrats your not the blackened, so what's your excuse for the n-word?" GOD DAMN


Honestly, Dream was doomed from the beginning. It’s literally impossible to roast Nagito. The guy does it to himself on a daily basis.


Nagito had the easiest win here, since most of Dream's disses had to target Nagito's illnesses, mental health, or trauma while Nagito just pointed out Dream's faults that were all entirely his own fault


“You’re not the blackened so what’s your excuse for the n-word?”

Jesus Christ


Trying to diss Nagito seems hard. It's pretty near impossible to say anything worse about him than he is already willing to say himself.


the “its best to keep the mask on” line hits so much more after all the backlash dream received from doing a face reveal


2:06 between the n-word joke, the projared reference, and calling the whole smp a spoof of sky and teamcrafted, nagito completely dominated this battle


This is the coolest Dream has ever been and it isn't even actually Dream


At first I thought I sadly would have to admit Dream won, then Nagito’s last verse came on


I love how Dream had to try hard targetting super dark, personal stuff like Nagito's illness and the loss of his loved ones, but Nagito still absolutely won without stooping to that level, targetting Dream on the front of his own actions and failures.


My favorite detail is at 0:35 where Nagito is clapping his hands, excited to hear Dreams disses, its such a smart and canonical tiny detail and i love it so much


“Congrats, you’re not the blackened, so what’s your excuse for saying the n word?”



That last verse though. It legitimately had me going, "Holy shit, talk about a killing end line" AND THEN NAGITO JUST KEPT GOING.


Best flow: Dream
Best disses: Nagito

Hella extra points to Snake for his phenomenal portrayal as Nagito. I give him the win.


The amount of references and care you put into Komaeda's verses and dreams verses against him are insane.
From mentioning the time he brought a bomb, his dog, his stage 4 lymphoma, and him firing russian roulette with 5 bullets, dreams disses were so good. Komaeda mentioning inhaling gas, the entire thing of him with the traitor. The cuts went so deep.
Great job.
Glad to see komaeda win but even more glad to see how DEEP you went with the verses.


bro put 2 of the most toxic fandoms against each other


I was expecting this one to be animated/drawn, but it still came out great. I think it's hilarious that the thing that connects them is that they're both lucky


Admittedly I will give Dream the flow advantage as Nagito was sorta just talking for a decent amount of his rap. But even with that nagitos bars just completely murdered him.


I’m equally as disgusted with this video as I am genuinely impressed
