Uncounted Horrors FULLY PAINTED Deep Madness Expansion by Diemension Games – part 2

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0:00:00 – Opening Titles
0:00:11 – Investigators of Uncounted Horrors
0:03:07 – Miscellaneous of Uncounted Horrors
0:04:50 – Monsters of Uncounted Horrors
0:07:51 – Epic Monsters of Uncounted Horrors
0:08:19 – Size and Scale Comparisons
0:09:11 – Preview of Part 3

Something monstrous lurks deep below the ocean’s surface.

Cosmic. Sinister. It broods over the demise of all lesser things – living or otherwise – in this reality...or the next.

And make no mistake: ALL THINGS ARE LESSER.

Yet the fragile, ignorant humans still had the audacity to construct a “state-of-the-art” research facility all the way down to the abyss of the ocean floor.

Nothing good can come of this…


Yea! Finally, I have a completely painted version of Uncounted Horrors!

I’m certainly not a pro painter by any means, but having a fully painted version of a miniatures game always adds to the emersion and enjoyment of any play experience.

I decided it might be fun to screw around with Final Cut Pro and add some sound design to make a full-on painted miniature showcase to exhibit Uncounted Horrors’ great components. I couldn’t help but add a little ‘dark flavor’ into the video production just for fun.

Having acquired The Art of Deep Madness book through the Kickstarter proved to be invaluable for this project. Not only were the card images far bigger in this book (making it easier on the eyes as a painting reference), but alternate illustrations were also included for a lot of the monsters. Not to mention, all the great flavor text I could use as narration.

While my skill with a brush did not allow me to be perfectly faithful to the original art, I certainly had a good time taking inspiration from the colors and mood conveyed in the various images.

If nothing else, maybe this will inspire others to get Deep Madness back on the table (or even on the painting table!)

Thanks for giving this a look!

Matthew Eric Brown is a writer and voice over artist based in Venice Beach, CA. When he has time, he also enjoys a ton of hobbies including rock n’ roll, animation, film, computer games, and anything that can be played with dice and miniatures. To find out more about him and experience other samples of his work, please visit:


This production is unofficial and in no way endorsed by any possible trademark or copyright holders to the elements showcased within.

Crafted by Matthew Eric Brown.
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