Beauty is Interested in the Beast Who Can Be Civilized | Jocko Willink & Jordan B Peterson

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A good man is a very, very dangerous man. In order to transform your personality you must integrate that part of you that's terrible and capable of breaking rules and make it apart of you.

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*A harmless man is NOT a good man. A good man is very dangerous man who has it under voluntary control.*

This entire videoclip is gold, and the goldest part of it is this statement above.

After 0:44 I wondered who was he talking about when he said "Milosevik" only to realize in a second it is Miloshevich who is being mentioned here, despite my confusion for saying that ex Yugoslavia was part of the Soviet Union, which it was not.

The problem with his targeted victims is exactly the fact that they were weak and naive while thinking of themselves as "good people" for being such harmless snowflakes.

No wonder their ethnic group is despised even today as they remain almost the same as they were 30 years ago. Nobody respects someone they can beat up. It's nature's law.


Jordan Peterson is just absolutely amazing


When Greta Garbo watched Jean Cocteau's beautiful retelling of this story in his 1941 film, "La Belle et La Bete", at the end, when the Beast was transformed into a prince, she shouted out, "Vhat haf you done to my beautiful Beast?!" I felt the same way when I watched the film. As a friend of mine said, "I have always wanted to have a big hairy [actual] animal who is stoked on me!" The standard ending of the story is just an embarrassed evasion of the real desire.


Sometimes people ask me how not to get suck in the rut.. I usually respond with.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.. no, be enthusiastic about pushing yourself to the brink of discomfort. Growth isn’t comfortable.


just brilliant and inspiring. reading 12 rules for life now


The beast was not the village alpha male. Gaston was and Belle hated his ass.


That's it boys... I'm going Walter White, breaking bad!


Kind of a circular argument that a non-threatening man is the most threatening? Perhaps what he means is that the most dangerous man is the one that confuses being in control of the external world with true power? Beauty and the Beast is a very interesting story from a Christian perspective since it touches on what might be the overarching theme of the entire Bible: taming the beast within (except "beast" may not mean exactly what we think it does). JP frames it in terms of Carl Jung and Enlightenment but it appears to be the same idea. Beauty has two different kinds of beasts within, and comparing the two can be quite instructive. They both have a reason to want her for their own self interest. One ultimately does gain what he wants because he is willing to sacrifice it for HER interest. The other actually ends up destroying himself because he can't let go of his self interest.


Hey Mister P! Please make a statement about Libertarianism!


Is this Mr. Dr. Prof. Thug Lyf Peterson Channel!?


Yugoslavia wasn't in the Soviet Union.


How do I integrate the shadow. Suggestions?


THE LORD is good. Jesus Christ, The Son of God is awesome.


That’s all well and good, but how exactly do you know what it is you’re capable of that’s terrible?


Some of these fairytales are cosmic, rather than social.
For instance, Snow Whiite is the snow-whiite moon who is followed by her seven dwarves - the Moon followed by the seven planets that follow the moon in a long line around the ecliptic.
The evil witch is the Milky Way, who is being outshone by the glamorous snow whiite moon. So she puts a corset on snow whiite, to make her thinner and thinner, until she dies. Just as the waning moon gets thinner and thinner in the heavens above, until it ‘dies’ (the New Moon).
But just as the moon dies (the new moon) she kisses the Sun-prince in an solar eclipse, and comes back to life as the waxing moon. And remember that a solar eclipse can only happen with a ‘dead’ New Moon.
Snow White is a tale of the Cosmos.


1:00 Yugoslavia was never part of the Soviet Union.


Whats that Carl Jung quote Jordan is referring?


Jordan Peterson...curious on your thoughts or stance of the States gun control issue? Holy is it ever dividing people and I feel children are being ignored (almost mocked) to some extent by the right leaning archetypes. Help!!


Silly jordan that's not the moral of the story the moral of the story is (to change ur man)😂


that fable only addresses successful engagement of a mate. what about the rest of life? surely the mother archetype is the ultimate - even though the doctor's previous point about dysfunctional nurturing is very apt.
now, exactly how useful is telling girls about making good choices, when they are so prone to reject culpability for every bad choice and its consequences. it's that irresponsibility that undermines relations across the board.
