How Good Is Tirpitz B These Days? (late 2023)

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I definitely enjoy the torpedoes on my Derpitz. All of the ten seconds they last after the game starts.


I like the secondary build on Tirpitz, but I prefer to maximize fire chance rather than use IFHE. Forcing someone to use damage control is big time value, so getting it out of the way is a big help for your team.


Tirpitz aged like a fine glass of milk on legends


I completely agree with your thoughts on overmatch. Surely they can change Krupp values to make it so bows are stronger while expanding the citadel chance for penetrated belts


Thank you PQ, I always learn something or get new perspective from your videos on this crazy game.


One of my absolute favorites among T 8 BB and others. Capable of fighting successfully at close to long range with the right build. Worth every penny spent.


Hi PQ,
Regarding your comments about damage dealt to broadsiding/angled, as a main cruiser player I'm finding mostly over this year that the damage dealt when I find a guy full broadside with my DM, Stalingrand, Marseille, etc is very poor in comparison when I shoot to a nose in/angled.
It's an horrendous mechanic (one more), that seems to be intentionally implemented to protect mistakes. And that without talking about the "bugged" aim system (I really doubt they did not intentionally changed it in the aim algorithm), simply for the reason of the heavy monetization we are having and the amount of newcomers that the game has lately.


I lucked out and got the Tirpitz B with my free Black Friday sale crate.


Imagine some potato wehraboos saw this video and start rushing B with their Tirpitz in a tier 10 match


Tirpitz is an old ship...but is really really good in brawling up close with torps
This is what people wanted Brandenburg to be....a brawling ship with good health


haha end of pq video comments
i love my tirpitz but have not played it for ages.
thanks for the video


A huge contributing factor to the doom of a cruiser is them getting slowed down due to damage, not always due to direct component hits, but a 12 to 15" she'll over penning a light cruiser caused massive flooding often, causing the ship to drag to one side or the other and slow down, also often causing water damage to important systems under deck.


I really like the Tirpitz. Got it during the trade in. I have had really good success with it! Lots of fun in Operations.
I would like to see the premium ships get a buff. I think for example the Tirpitz should also get hydro as well. Because premiums cost either coal, steel or money, the should have the same benefits as the tier tree ships with a little extra something. 😊. o7 PQ


The issue with the "let Battleships punish broadsides more equal to making them less able to punish bow in targets" is overmatch as a mechanic. Because otherwise you could only make both less consistent, because with current mechanics all Wargaming could do is make BBs less accurate. So they would have a harder time hitting the bows of ships, but would also have a harder time punishing broadside ships.

At least without making any major changes to ship models and making a large portion of the community very angry, because they could accomplish that by removing the front 1/3rd of every Cruisers citadel and apply the lost size to the top of the citadel and then hope it's far enough into the cruiser that AP shells only pen they don't get citadels through the bow. That would however make the armour view for ships horrifically inaccurate to how ships actually were, and would end up pissing off more people than it would make happy.

Alternatively they COULD give Cruisers 32mm bows at T8+ just like BBs, or at least sections of 32mm, basically giving them all an ice breaker. Then for T6/7 give them all 30mm, 4/5 27mm, and T 2/3 25mm, so that they all CAN bounce the general size of AP for their tier bracket at the waterline, but can still be overmatched into their upper bow. While also raising the cits of all of those ships slightly. Not sure by how much but at least some so that they are higher in the water. Though the extra armour might still piss off the majority of BB players as it would make Cruisers a lot tanker to be able to bounce the average BB gun of their tier. The issue here for balance is what do you do with the superlights and British lights? Where they have light armour as part of their gimmick. Though I suppose they could always just get the lower tier brackets ice breaker. So a Mino would have 30mm, Fiji would have 27mm, Emerald would have 25mm. (Note at the end here to reiterate, this wouldn't be the WHOLE bow, it would just be a section at the front at the waterline to protect the citadel)

Honestly if you do read this and like ether idea they could be proposed to Wargaming, not only by you but also I wouldn't mind making a post on the feedback Discord. Honestly anything to let Cruisers actually potentially play the game is something I could get behind.

End of the day, all any of us wants is the game to be more balanced. We all just have different ideas on how to get there. I do apologize if any of my previous comments have ever come across as me attacking you or your ideas, I only ever wished to give counter points to things you propose(mostly when it comes to your thoughts around AA and CV interactions), so that maybe you would see that your emotional responses in the moment of something may not be the best solutions. I've had some bad suggestions as well, like "give every battleship and cruiser from T3 onward a radar that matches the average DD torp range of that tier" Can you guess what my emotional response was to? It was having a stealthy DD get into my teams back line 6 games in a row and feeling like I had no tools to deal with it in my T6 Cruiser. Would it have solved my issue? Sure. Would it have been a good healthy change for the game? Absolutely not, DDs would have gone extinct, and radars at T10 would have something like 14km+ of range.

I'm getting way off topic and rambling, if anyone read this hope you are having a good what ever it may be for you at time of reading. o7


Jean bart is a greatly underestimated ship when it’s played right, aka don’t shoot HE unless is Soviet bias


Only clicked because of the title… it rhymed and it made my brain happy lol. Love all the vids!! Keep up the good work!!


The problem with reduced damage on angled ships is that bow in tanking would be too good, but I agree with you in principle. As a BB main the over pens are very frustrating.


The EVER tilted Potato...where's your baba


Well done PQ, you are the only ytber that I am subscribed to that is actually doing Black Friday ships. JB or Black next? Or maybe Alaska😊


I do think Tirptiz needs a buff, secondaries should be part of the base ship without being able to take the captains skills to buff them further simply because quite often you don't get to use them. I do think it's a bit too squishy for wows at the moment...
