The Seeker Season 2: Bali, Episode 3: Pak the Healer.

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In this episode:
Fed up with all the myriad problems that transpired in Ubud, Bali, I decide to change locations to the beach... Canggu Beach to be specific in the SW of Bali...very different from Ubud.
Hello, DEEP leather-tanned, sandy hipsters and smoothie bowls!
Here, the motobikes often have surfboards precariously attached to them!
Could changing locations be enough to turn around a trip that has been the most emotionally challenging of my entire life?
For one thing, I can't sleep.
I need a healer to help me with this because I MUST SLEEP.
It's funny that I travel the globe for the best healers and mystics...even those in the black magic arts... because now I ACTUALLY NEED A HEALER just to function!
I gotta turn this around man. I will admit it. Ubud really socked it to me.
Bali is one rough PORTAL, sometimes.
This place is deep dude. Real deep.
It will reach its surgical hand into your psyche, pull out the darkness, and throw it out on the road in front of you like sharp rocks you didn't realize were of your own making. Your own soul-works.
Let's do this...
Healers near the beach in SW Bali, where the beauty can be stupefying!...oh yeah, and I guess the area looks nice, too! :-)
Fed up with all the myriad problems that transpired in Ubud, Bali, I decide to change locations to the beach... Canggu Beach to be specific in the SW of Bali...very different from Ubud.
Hello, DEEP leather-tanned, sandy hipsters and smoothie bowls!
Here, the motobikes often have surfboards precariously attached to them!
Could changing locations be enough to turn around a trip that has been the most emotionally challenging of my entire life?
For one thing, I can't sleep.
I need a healer to help me with this because I MUST SLEEP.
It's funny that I travel the globe for the best healers and mystics...even those in the black magic arts... because now I ACTUALLY NEED A HEALER just to function!
I gotta turn this around man. I will admit it. Ubud really socked it to me.
Bali is one rough PORTAL, sometimes.
This place is deep dude. Real deep.
It will reach its surgical hand into your psyche, pull out the darkness, and throw it out on the road in front of you like sharp rocks you didn't realize were of your own making. Your own soul-works.
Let's do this...
Healers near the beach in SW Bali, where the beauty can be stupefying!...oh yeah, and I guess the area looks nice, too! :-)