What Is Open Campus Protocol (EDU)?

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What is Open Campus?
Open Campus is a blockchain-based platform that seeks to revolutionize the education landscape. It facilitates seamless interactions between learners, educators, content creators, and service providers. Built on the principles of decentralization, Open Campus empowers teachers and users by giving them control over their creation and data, fostering trust, and incentivizing participation.

Open Campus at its core is a platform that powers Publisher NFTs, a tokenized version of educational content, to bridge the gap between teachers and students directly. Open Campus’ project model will provide essential tools for content creators, education institutions, and partners to create content across any discipline and mint them as Publisher NFTs; teachers can then sell and trade these NFTs on the Open Campus marketplace to co-publishers who will take up the role to market, promote and spread the content into different communities across the world.

How Does It Work?
At its core, Open Campus utilizes blockchain technology to create a transparent and immutable record of educational content and IP. By leveraging smart contracts, the platform introduces a unique innovation called Publisher NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). These NFTs play a vital role in the platform's ecosystem, creating an avenue for content creators to showcase their work, engage with their audience, and monetize their expertise.

These Publisher NFTs enable educational content to be tokenized and share revenues with different contributors who have supported the cause. Revenue generated from the content will be stored in a smart contract, and co-owners will be able to withdraw based on their contribution (e.g. teachers for creating the content, co-publishers for marketing and localization).
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