Sandra Zemor rencontre Valérie Perez , Interview TV I 24 News ( 2022)

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Sandra Zemor invited by Valérie Perez TV I 24 News interview ( 22 may 2022)
(English retranscription of the interview :)
Valérie Perez :"Hello everyone and welcome to history and discovery . Today we are going to focus on the history of ukraine then obviously the history seen from kiev and moscow is not told in the same way ukraine emerged as an independent state in 1991 but the struggle for independence is expressed at different times in its history we will see that the history of the jews is inextricably linked to the history of this region a jewish presence in ukraine is attested since antiquity the history of the jews of ukraine and marked by contradictory relations first a land of welcome following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain then a hostile power during the causal revolt of the seventeenth century with the programs that will draw tens of thousands of Jews place of development of the  hasshidic Yiddish culture, it is also in this country that will be installed later the majority of the  nazis centers of extermination . Then in spite of the considerable losses due to the Shoah  it possesses today an important Jewish community. Sandra Zemor will be my guest also she is a singer, a songwriter whose songs bring on old jewish ukrainian breslav melodies , few  titles are  dedicated to Nahman, I promise you a beautiful show
We are now  with sandra Zemor :  Sandra hello thank you to you to have accepted our invitation on i24 News , you are a singer-composer with your new  album with the Ukrainian Jewish melodies inspired by the poetry of  Rabi Nahman , thank you to have accepted our invitation today. So for you the peace between the people finally passes by the art ? 
Sandra Zemor : "Hello Valérie thank you for inviting me to  share my songs, as an artist and singer it's my message to try by my  art to open the hearts to appease it ..
Valérie P : So every year there are pilgrimages to Ukraine to visit the tomb of  this rabbi Rabbi Nahman what significance is this place for the jews Sandra ? -
S Z : "It is a very good question and with what happens today in Ukraine, Ouman is the city of Nahman, in the center of Ukraine , on the old road between Kiev and Odessa , the ancient road of the salt and it is an extremely important place for the jewish people from all horizons the jewish people from all directions whether it is the religious ones or the jews who ask themselves questions,  it is a great mystic place  with  Joy  It is what explains the incredible number of people who come .
V P :Yes then his house how is it today ?  
S Z : -In his house today and there are only 25 people left who are not able to leave or they want to stay and they make rounds - At night a woman who prays Shula is a prophetess  and so people who comes during the day . There are some people who came through the border. People who arrived by the border for the First day of Nissan , the 250 years  birthday anniversary of Rabbi Nahman .
Valérie Perez :Then you travel to Ukraine in december 2021 a few months before the war you filmed your clip there I propose right away to watch an extract of  it...
Valérie Perez : So what memories do you have of this trip ?
Sandra Z :- I go there several times a year it's really my spiritual source for my songs and for the places ,  this trip was even more magical than usual in December 2021 , two months  before the war it was really  special , we were very few , it was already the time of the corona and everything around, but it was magical , we didn't understand what was happening. I was able to film and it was very very beautiful. There were some Israelis and some French -
V P: Yeah and so that's to pilgrimage that you made every year ?-  
S Z. : Yes several times a year I also go there to write my songs it's really a place of two connections and it's a place of joy, to resources and today  it's a very important part of my work .
Valérie Perez :So  to sing these  melodies for you our objective is what ?
Sandra Zemor : - I hope to share the  immense joy and light that I receive myself, to share it.This new  album it is the result of many years of work , we worked with great musicians we have adapted the old melodies. I am very happy to hear that it helps also in this very difficult time in the world, with my  voice which murmurs gently to heal  the souls and  soften the hearts. 
Valérie Perez: We need it well,  thank you Sandra Zemor , and yes the music softens the spirits, it  is well known, thank you to you of your intervention on i24News
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