How Hard is TOGC? Raid First Impressions for 25 Heroic

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For Twin Valkyrs it is best to have hunters and shadow priests soak light for example and everybody else stacks on bosses on one spot so that darkness orbs hit all. So the hunters have to basically catch all light orbs that would hit the group and let all dark orbs pass through. That way all of the 20 people stacked will get empowered darkness or vice versa


I just discovered you and your content is pure gold for everyone who already has a solid understanding of wotlk raiding and plays on a semi-serious level (GDKP and such).


I feel like everyone is gonna say Resto Druid is king on Anub, but I remember Holy Priest feeling spectacular for that fight. They have decent single target healing for the bursty add phases, but then they can spread an absolute truckload of green DPS evenly across the raid for the last phase. The fight really lets them lean into their specialty, being able to switch gears for the different needs, and then burning through mana for tons of healing when necessary. I'm really excited to play it.


tier won't be a problem if you can buy it for emblems and get drops from VoA. At least in terms of set bonuses - the highest ilvl tier may be highly contested, but it won't be such a massive thing ilvl-wise that you can't distribute loot on a case-by-case basis. Finishing set bonuses > class prio


Thank you so much for all the work you are doing for the community !


For Faction Champs there's 14 possible and you face a different 10 every week. Healer comp changes every week & the resto druid is higher prio than the shaman - resto druid needs someone dedicated to spam purge/dispel the HoTs. Shaman just requires a kicker and someone to purge earth shield. Also rather than gripping on pull, you should have someone do a big aoe CC on the pack to immediately trigger their PVP trinkets. Rogue shouldn't be an issue if you have a dedicated DK with the ability to not fall asleep. Hunter's a bit yikes if it's up though, healers should focus it and spam heal their target then kill it after the healers are dead


Which WA are you using to show all the timers and cooldowns? Also, how do you make your raid frame colored by class instead of the default green color? Thank you.


So the block situation with Anub isn't a bug and is functioning that way as intended? Just wanted to clarify that, if we need to get a block set or not.


Doesn't leeching swarm heal him for a portion of the damage it does to players too? I know it's called LEECHING swarm but I feel like that would be extremely important to mention...


There was a tornado in our healer's neighbouring village.

No one has ever said a more American sentence


Will trade chat non-GDKP PUGs be able to handle heroic ToGC?


Speed running TOTGC will be weird. I guess the guild that can squeeze out the most damage will win. There’s no running whatsoever 0.


Hi @Sarthe Thank you for video, just wanted to ask you real quick, do you have any idea how long will ToGC patch last?


not sure what servers you/they played on but shammy was always to die first if it spawned. thats what was done back first time around in wrath


I honestly see the main difficulty in this tier being other players. Dumb-dumbs not moving when they should, panic during the 'pvp' of Faction Champions, trying to do a Tribute run and one person ruining it... And the ever looming Roster Boss will come back with a vengeance.

The tier itself? While not interesting it is a good time to gear people up without major stress. There are quite a few members of my guild who rerolled and are still trying to catch up on gear. Our 'new' Resto Shaman was still using heirloom shoulders since she dinged less then 24 hours before our Ulduar run.


On twins, would the unholy magic bubble provide spell mit for the entire raid during the AOE on polarity shift?


OK, lets clarify, when you say you led a full PUG, let's be real here, these aren't the average raiders, these are the sweaty bettys who took the time to get on the PTR, so they are NOT a true PUG really (with newbs and under-performers), it a pick up group of the top say 10% of players to start, so no huntards and newb crap to be sure :)


need a chart / vid breakdown of how much dps each class gains from their full hc tier sets

im sure a spreadhseet gotta be floating around somewhere soon


Nuke Snobold's + dispel Jaraxxus? You think you’re slick, but the mage community sees what you’re trying to do to us 👀😂


Was ToGC ever really meant to be super hard? 10+ years of people clearing this content on private servers and giga-buffed ilvls from Ulduar drops certainly wasn't going to make an easier raid more difficult at the end of the day.

Kind of looking forward to some chill 35-40 minute raid clears after we have all the strats down.
