Sun transit in Libra 2024 | Oct 17 - Nov 16 | Vedic Astrology predictions #siderealastrology #libra

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Time Stamps:

00:00 - Introduction
06:11 - Ascendant/moon sign
07:18 - Sun Transit for Aries
12:53 - Sun Transit for Taurus
18:33 - Sun Transit for Gemini
23:58 - Sun Transit for Cancer
29:46 - Sun Transit for Leo
35:29 - Sun Transit for Virgo
40:48 - Sun Transit for Libra
46:24 - Sun Transit for Scorpio
52:07 - Sun Transit for Sagittarius
57:35 - Sun Transit for Capricorn
01:03:24 - Sun Transit for Aquarius
01:08:52 - Sun Transit for Pisces
01:14:43 - outro

As the Sun enters Libra on October 17, 2024, its debilitation brings significant shifts in energy, relationships, and personal growth. In this video, we break down the astrological implications of the Sun’s transit through Libra and explore its impact on health, career, and partnerships. Discover how to navigate these changes and make the most of this powerful time in astrology.

Timing matters, and your birth chart holds the key. Interpret our predictions as a guide, knowing that individual experiences vary. Dive into your birth chart's depths to understand the nuances of this transits. First check the Ascendant sign, as it indicates the timing of life events. The Moon sign signifies emotions and thoughts, reflecting how you'll respond to these changes. These two signs are crucial for initial assessment. Additionally, the sign where your current Maha-dasha lord is positioned in your birth chart. It aids in comprehending how transits will impact the recurring themes of your current Dasha period.
To gain a deeper understanding of your personal astrological blueprint, consider generating your Vedic birth chart using the provided link.

Stay tuned for more astrological updates, and don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay connected with us.

#SunTransitLibra #Astrology2024 #SunDebilitation #MarsInCancer #MercuryTransit #VenusInScorpio #OctoberAstrology #LibraSeason #AstrologicalPredictions #CosmicShifts #AstrologyForBeginners

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Time Stamps:

00:00 - Introduction
06:11 - Ascendant/moon sign
07:18 - Sun Transit for Aries
12:53 - Sun Transit for Taurus
18:33 - Sun Transit for Gemini
23:58 - Sun Transit for Cancer
29:46 - Sun Transit for Leo
35:29 - Sun Transit for Virgo
40:48 - Sun Transit for Libra
46:24 - Sun Transit for Scorpio
52:07 - Sun Transit for Sagittarius
57:35 - Sun Transit for Capricorn
01:03:24 - Sun Transit for Aquarius
01:08:52 - Sun Transit for Pisces
01:14:43 - outro


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