Being Held In Contempt Of Court Explained By Attorney David Bliven | David Bliven – New York

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Law Offices of David Bliven

19 Court St., Suite 206,
White Plains, NY 10601
United States
(914) 468-0968

Contempt of court means that the other side is alleging one intentionally violated the court’s order. If you are found to have willfully violated the order for alimony or spousal support, the top penalty for this violation, although rarely imposed, is jail time. If there is no track record of one violating the court order, then the court can impose a money judgment. They can authorize the other side to garnish wages, seize bank account assets or retirement amount assets or investment amount assets. In some cases, the court can authorize the person to seize property to satisfy any arrears. If served with a contempt motion or application, a person should consult with an attorney to discuss options for a valid defense to that application.

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