6 COOLEST things you can do with DRY ICE
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One piece of dry ice can be hours of fun. You could go to the science center and watch a demonstration, or if an Omaha steak cooler comes in there’s a good old piece of dry ice in there. You’ll have to have your fun quick because if you put it in the freezer, The ice will be evaporated by the morning. Carbon dioxide is what the dry ice is made out of, and you do have to be careful. It is so cold the stuff can burn you so you want to use gloves or touch it real quickly. If it sits on your skin it will burn you. In the video we make carbonated yogurt, we make bubbles that grow and grow until the first and make cool clouds. Will even throw some in the toilet. It’s a great practical joke that we’ve done several times. There’s even a few experiments that we just wanted to see. We wanted to see the effect of gold and silver coins, Sterling silver spoons, and at the end we put a piece in some vegetable oil. You can actually see the air gap really good because the vegetable oil‘s viscosity is so thick.