Why Mary Matters w/ Fr. Christian Kappes and William Albrecht

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William Albrecht and Fr. Kappas each explain why they think belief in the Marian Dogmas and Doctrines is important.




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It's hard to argue with history. The early Christians (and even Angel Gabriel himself) had a pretty high view of Virgin Mary.
Not as some deity or goddes or co-redemptrix, but as the Ark of the New Covenant and undeniable Mother of God (the Son).

Like all the saints of the Catholic Church, she is an example, a comfort, a guide, and a family member in the Body of Christ. She is such a great example of what 100% humility and raw obedience to God looks like. Everything about her is because of God and FOR God, and even she admits that herself.


Mary matters because the Incarnation matters.


This is just a clip of the whole discussion. Go to the whole episode and take note of all the resources mentioned so you can get the answers to your questions.


Genuine question: it is dogma to believe that Mary was without sin and was always a Virgin. I am a Christian, I believe salvation come from putting our faith in Christ alone. But I don't believe the dogmas of Mary are true. According to Catholicism, am I saved?


What would Fr. Christian & William Albrecht say about why Joseph matters? Christology and Mariology are great but what about #Josephology ?


I love Mary, and I even pray the rosary for her intercession. She gets me all kinds of extra little graces, and I am her beloved son.

But I do believe that catholics have gone too far in their veneration of her. There is a difference between veneration and worship.

There is a difference between viewing Mary as a woman who birthed Christ, from whom He received His humanity, and viewing her as a perfect deity.

There is a difference between making a prayer request and worshiping someone.

If you are bowing down to a statue, you're doing it wrong. If you are kneeling before a graven image of anything on earth or in heaven (where is Mary again? Heaven? Reread the commandments) then you are deceived.

If any of you are true followers of Mary, next time you finish the rosary, sit in fellowship with her and pray to the Holy Spirit to speak to you and you will understand that even Mary wants you to worship her Son and pray to Him much much more than herself.

So I always make sure that the time I spend in prayer and communion with Christ is much greater than the time I spend venerating His earthly mother.

God bless!!


I don't understand how Mary could've been seen as a perpetual virgin by die early church - Jesus's brother was with him during his ministry? She had to have lost her virginity in order to have more children. Is there any biblical text that references this?


Some things I would note -

1:11 The necessity of defining the relationship between Christ and Mary for the sake of Christology does not now lead into needing or having Mary to function today in God's grace.

3:41 To suggest that it is wrong to believe the Bible is only all about Jesus since there are other parts where the focus is on other characters, therefore this is about some situation that Protestantism lacks; does not follow and is an assumption upon the meaning of the text. Additionally, the chapter in Luke having a focus on Mary does not now give credence to Catholic understanding. I would believe Father Kappes would agree but to rely heavily on his premise that I initially listed suggests that he believes what logically follows now logically necessitates a conclusion opposed to Protestantism. That is, again, an assumption of the meaning of the text.

Ultimately, it would have been better to explain in this video clip the importance of Mary in relationship to her and to God on the basis of talking about the invocation of the saints which I believe could have very well been made to happen as Matt practically asked in the beginning part of the video!


I agree we should affirm holy inspired scripture. Mathew 1:25 clearly states that Joseph did not “know”Mary UNTIL after the birth of Jesus. So you either have to reject scripture for your late second century doctrine or accept that many Roman Catholic doctrines contradict holy God breathed scripture. It takes very little time to read about some of the blasphemous things that came out of many popes mouth to give a taste of just how unholy and idolatrous some of RC doctrine really is.
Jesus being born of a virgin fulfills scripture and helps us to understand who Jesus really is. It seems to me that people so focused on her and Joseph’s bedroom and how they basically feel that woman that lose their virginity within marriage are worth less or impure have some kind of hang up with sex. We do value motherhood and honor Mary. Imagine how much GOD thought of Mary to pick her to give birth to and raise JESUS. God bless everyone.
