How to Apply Color Correcting Concealer | Color Theory

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Color correcting is a concealer technique that professional makeup artists have used for years and this tutorial will walk you through the color wheel, color theory and how to use color correcting concealer. Color correcting helps perfect the skin and make it appear flawless, using certain colors to neutralize and cover up blemishes and/or discoloration. The final effect is to improve the makeup look. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Lots of love, Smitha

❤️Products used in this tutorial (in order):

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This video is not sponsored. I assure you that I will never do a paid promotion on a product which I do not love! The description may contain affiliate links, that helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!

♡ ♡ Smitha Deepak ♡ ♡
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❤Products used in this tutorial (in order):


Our full face is a whole book, and you teach every chapter so beautifully so there's no chances for mistake, ( practice is a key) ❤ thank you love.


I heard people say that you don't always need to do a professional course if you know how and from whom to learn via you tube. Now that, I have been following your teachings religiously, I am gonna put them all in practice wisely. And will make my master(You, my dear) proud! Thanks a ton for sharing your wisdom with the world.


Wow! This tutorial was very much needed. I bought colour corrector pallet but I was only using one colour out of all, now I have nicely understood how to use it. I wear makeup on a daily basis and sometimes I get lazy, don't want to apply foundation. And the tricks you tell really helps me, I liked both sides. Thank you so much for this video and all the other ones. I like how you keep your videos very informative, very short and super simple. it's easy to understand this way. Much Love, Smitha ! ♥


Absolute perfection! Thank you for covering the full spectrum of uneven skin tones.. And for pointing out the difference in result of when using a cream based corrector as opposed to a fluid based one. This tutorial is super invaluable, especially for those of us that don't like wearing full coverage foundation and prefer a more natural finish.. Perfect! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us x 😊


I love when you show us the results, and in the end you give of that smile 😊 You have such a beautiful and comforting smile. Thank you for all you share ❤


Amazing video. Color correction theory could not be explained any better than this!!♥️
Can you make a video about determining the undertones of uneven skin tones too?


Amazing as always. Never seen color correction that didn’t scare me to try. You’re extremely talented. Thanks for sharing your gift with us all.


The fact that I learn more through your free videos instead of my teacher who took 75k for a full course makeup and I still know more then her... I really want my money back .


You are the most honest makeup artist in the yt i have ever came across. People can actually learn something from your video. Your step by step tutorial makes it easy to understand. Thanks and keep up the good work.💝


So beautiful…even with no makeup on. I’m 65 years old. For 5 years, I’ve been struggling with dark circles. 😢 I’ve tried everything. Still get a shadow under my eyes. Smitha never gets old. ❤


Totally blew me away at how super talented you are Smitha! Thank you for being so inspiring.🌸


My humble opinion is that I like your right side better, it looks more natural. However, your other side looked just as nicely done. I am late 50’s and have never used color corrector either, because I never knew anything about them. You sure possess a teacher inside of you, because you teach a lot of us a lot of things about not only makeup, but also the skin! You explain so slowly and precisely and easy to understand, that is why I said you must have a side of you that understands how to teach! Thank you! Great job!!


The no foundation side looks so beautiful! I normally only color correct my undereyes circles (I'm very pale and they're very deep), I seldom use concealer on the rest of my face and never without foundation, but this video really made me want to invest in a little color correcting palette and try this look for the summer!


You are so beautiful. Thank for teaching us so well how to put makeup the right way.


Whenever i try to copy any trick learned from your video i get failed, it’s really tough, hats off to you smitha ❤


I'm going to have to get that color correcting palette!!! I prefer the side you mixed with concealer as I never do full coverage. It's amazing once you understand color theory. I love your channel... you infirm everyone instead of trying to push products. Thank you for your content!!


I have wanted a full spectrum color corrector video for a long time!! Thank you


Wow. ❤ Thank you so much for this tutorial. This is the best explanation I've seen for the colour correction. I can now use my product without fear. 🥰😘😘


Beautiful. The way you teach it is so nice. Very articulate and succinct. The results are great. Both sides look good. Your left side looks a little lighter and brighter.
