Crooning With Paul Roberts - Gran Torino by Jamie Cullum and Clint Eastwood (cover)

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Well it has been a while but I am back. Been very busy with my job but now that I have some "quality alone time" lol, I have been able to get back to recording.

This is one of my most favorite songs, the title track from the motion picture Gran Torino. I recorded this about 4 years ago and recently stumbled across it so i thought I would share it with you.

It was recorded on an older system in my studio so the quality isn't that great.

Hope you all enjoy it, stay safe and keep music in your heart!


Gran Torino (Original Theme Song From The Motion Picture)

Jamie Cullum and Clint Eastwood

Gran Torino (Original Theme Song From The Motion Picture)

Licensed to YouTube by
WMG, UMG (on behalf of New Line Records); PEDL, UMPI, EMI Music Publishing, LatinAutor - UMPG, Warner Chappell, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, ASCAP, LatinAutor, SOLAR Music Rights Management, CMRRA, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., LatinAutor - SonyATV, UMPG Publishing, and 11 Music Rights Societies

#crooningwithpaulroberts #grantorino
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