PROTECT the elderly and vulnerable, and STOP these knee-jerk COVID reactions

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Since the beginning of the pandemic, this has gone on everywhere. We need a calm, logical, and common sense approach to #COVID19

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This is SUCH common sense and completely rational! Keep grandparents and those with underlying illnesses (including the obese) safe, and anyone else who is concerned, but let the healthy (and brave/foolish ;) continue with life as normal. There is an advantage to natural herd immunity, and people ought to be able to take risks that aren't harming anybody else. It's like banning rock climbing or skydiving because the risk of injury or death is high(ish). You can't mollycoddle 8 billion people!


My mom, almost 80, was never afraid of covid. Somehow, she never got badly sick with it, if she ever had it at all. Mom is Sober Minded per the Covid Hysteria. My Dad is 81, and did fine with recovering at home with lots of rest/fluids. He also had heart arythmia. Thank you Dr. Dhand for Common Sense advice!!! Love You!


Get your vaccine or not because it’s your choice. Get outside, exercise outside, get with family and friends, travel and eat out. Stop the fear mongering and constant reminders of Covid-19 everywhere we turn. I agree hat elderly people need extra care and support. I plan to get out and expose myself to the good life. 😘😃😆😘😚😎


I just spoke with someone who works in assisted living. Where she worked, if the elderly person was dying the facility would only allow one family member at a time and they were tested for covid. So let me get this straight: the person was within hours of dying and they could only see one family member at a time. What a horrible way to die. I don’t think seeing the family would have changed the time frame of death.


Elderly and ALL age groups should be allowed to get the shot IF each individual person wants it. NO ONE should be forced to take any shot they do not personally seek and request. That is how any individual's rights and health are protected. Not sure what you meant by 'targeting' elderly, but this is my opinion as an older person.


Ireland is a case in point. Our old people have been treated in an abominable way.


How about young 20 to 30 yrs old...they cant enjoy life anymore...No friends just sittin home alone. ..big trouble


These are all being done worldwide regardless, all the same restrictions all over. It is a political instruction and implemented all over.


So one do not care for the elderly if he/she does not want to be vaccinated????
