Electricity prices rise, WA needs a new approach to energy

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Electricity prices across the state will rise today as part of a measure introduced in this year’s state budget.
Many of the state’s gas contracts will be up for renewal at the of end this year with Energy Minister Mike Nahan admitting this could more than double the price of gas, and have a further flow on affect to consumer electricity prices.
WA Greens spokesperson on Energy Robin Chapple MLC said dramatic changes across the energy sector, coupled with abundant renewable energy sources, put WA in a good position to become leaders in decentralised energy generation.
“What we really lack in Western Australia is good government policy and a sense of responsibility,” Mr Chapple said.
“Ross Garnaut recently linked a strong renewable energy target to lower electricity prices, and right now the federal Labor opposition has been totally complicit in allowing the Abbott government to slash and burn our existing national target.
“We need a policy that will foster the growth of renewable energy in our state; we need a renewable energy target for Western Australia.”
Mr Chapple said the WA Greens have a costed plan for a renewable energy future, unlike any other major party at a state or federal level.
“Senator Scott Ludlam’s office has produced an Energy 2029 report that has three costed scenarios that would see our state achieve 100% renewable energy generation by 2029 at less cost than business as usual,” he said.
“Western Australia already has approximately 10% renewable energy generation and, with renewable energy prices set to keep going down, would propose a renewable energy target of 30% by 2020 in line with our Energy 2029 vision.
“This is not something we see as overly ambitious, however debate about renewable energy in Western Australia is virtually non-existent.
“This is one of, if not, the biggest issues facing our state and both major parties are failing spectacularly in that they have absolutely no plan for the future.
“The WA Greens would welcome bipartisan support on this issue; a renewable energy target is a great opportunity to diversify our economy, create jobs and help ease the transition out of the mining boom.”
For comment please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255.
Media liaison: Tim Oliver
Media & Electorate Officer (Tuesday – Thursday)
Office of the Hon Robin Chapple MLC
West Perth (08) 9486 8255 | Mobile 0431 9696 25
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