Introduction to the AIAG Standard for FMEA

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Watch the unlocked first video in our new course. Learn why the AIAG & VDA orga­ni­za­tions made major updates to the FMEA approach in 2019. See MORE⬇⬇⬇

Fail­ure Mode and Effects Analy­sis, or FMEA, is a method for eval­u­at­ing poten­tial tech­ni­cal risks of fail­ures for prod­ucts or process­es. The Auto­mo­tive Indus­try Action Group (AIAG) and the Ger­man VDA (Ver­band der Auto­mo­bilin­dus­trie) orga­ni­za­tions updat­ed the approach to help orga­ni­za­tions in the auto­mo­tive indus­try prac­tice FMEA in a com­mon way across their sup­ply chains.

Learn why the AIAG & VDA orga­ni­za­tions made major updates to the FMEA approach in 2019, the eight major changes to this approach, and how it helps orga­ni­za­tions in the auto­mo­tive indus­try become more effec­tive at risk management.

Gemba Academy’s FMEA AIAG & VDA course consists of bite-sized training videos as well as short quizzes to check for understanding. The first video in the series is available to watch now and gives an overview of the benefits of the course and topic.

Gemba Academy’s FMEA AIAG & VDA Course is comprised of 10 videos:

1. Introduction to the AIAG Standard for FMEA
2. FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 1: Planning and Preparation
3. How to Use the 5Ts for FMEA Project Planning
4. FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 2: Structure Analysis
5. FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 3: Function Analysis
6. FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 4: Failure Analysis
7. FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 5: Risk Analysis
8. What Is an Action Priority Table in FMEA?
9. FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 6: Optimization
10. FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 7: Results Documentation

🔗 Click here to view more details about the course and other related content


This course and others can be found among many other series in our School of Lean.

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