Go Vegan for Earth Day Rap by C5 x PETA

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Vegan rapper @officialc5 wants you to #GoVegan for #EarthDay with this powerful song about the impact you can have on the planet 🌎
What’s the price of your change? Going vegan for a year, one person can…
💧 save over 200,000 gallons of water
💨 reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 tons
🌲 save 10,950 square feet of forest
🐮 spare up to 200 animal lives
Send this video to a friend to double the impact!
Creative Producer: Laura Seddon / @pennylane401
Producer: Bahby / @bobbygars
Mix+Master: Drew Jacinto / @drewmixedit
What’s the price of your change? Going vegan for a year, one person can…
💧 save over 200,000 gallons of water
💨 reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 tons
🌲 save 10,950 square feet of forest
🐮 spare up to 200 animal lives
Send this video to a friend to double the impact!
Creative Producer: Laura Seddon / @pennylane401
Producer: Bahby / @bobbygars
Mix+Master: Drew Jacinto / @drewmixedit
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