Lyft driver says he's happy with his current pay

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As the City of Minneapolis moves ahead with ensuring ride-hailing app drivers get minimum wage, one driver says he's happy with his pay.

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If drivers are making $100.00 an hour a lot of people will quit their 9 to 5 jobs including fox 9 reporters.


What BS!! How much was he paid to lie on tv ?


Uber probably paid this driver a $100 and a $10 coupon for Dunkin to say this on this interview.


20 hours booked means he was online for way more than that. I would say probably close to 40-50 hours of online time.


If this dude makes $100/hr busy day and $50/hr slow day, why doesn't he quit his job and working rideshare make $4500 a week?😂 This is propaganda for me.


He was paid to falsify what drivers are truly making. This is lies.


Liars i made a ride form longbeach to LAX they paid me $11 its a complete hoax, I maid almost 10k rides dont believe this fake news


Majority of drivers are fed up with low pay. This has to be fake. Something is up.


I was making $20hr tops when the pay was good. You can only do around 3 runs an hour on average. I never did airport. It’s not possible to make $100 hour especially today’s rates. If this was true, Uber would be happy to take 100% and payout a flat $15min to all drivers.


There will always be sell outs!!! Tell them to leave they have been exploiting people for years allegedly taking between 50 and 70%!!! Drivers already pay for gas, wear and tear of the vehicle, insurance, phone, phone service, their time, etc. They need an app that makes the driver the owner operator and for a reasonable fee makes the driver the sole beneficiary of all of their hard work!!!


This guy is a Lyft vice president lmao


Book hours how about online hours probably 60😂😂😂


Absolutely Laughable. What a crock of BS.

Every Lyft driver needs to turn off the app for a week. You'll see how things will change quickly.

If drivers are willing to drive for $20 an hour minus your expenses like gas registration, insurance tickets, parking tickets, tires, oil changes, car maintenance,

then is the driver's own fault

Lyft drivers, Have some dignity and respect for yourself. Go flip burgers for one week if you have to instead of continuing being a SLAVE


There is a reason why this guy wakes up at 3am, works 2 jobs, 7days/week etc. Just do the math FOX 9 😂


I’m a rideshare driver of 10 years with 26, 000 rides and you pick be driver who doesn’t know how to do his math and u go by what he says.

We are only making $8-$13 per hour after all expenses

The 2022 report had extra bonuses from Lyft and Uber coming out of the pandemic which makes the data “not accurate” because right now both companies are not paying any bonuses so it’s back to the poor house for us


What he isn’t disclosing is the no of hours he wasn’t booked, miles he drove OFFLINE. Also he probably accepts 20-30% of the rides. Not to mention, probably around $100 in gas, oil changes every other month, tire changes, car problems, rideshare insurance, taxes, health insurance etc. Guy is a hustler for sure, but making that money as a full time driver is almost impossible unless you have no life and work 80hrs/week.


I am making anywhere from $25 to $35 per hour and I am just learning. The drivers that are not making money are sitting at the MSP Airport waiting for airport pickups. I have driven by there a few times and they just sit there and wait for hours. So yes they aren't making good money at all.


Working Sunday-sunday 🧐 5hours a day 7 days a week yet is only booked 18 hours a week but at the same time saying other drivers aren’t accepting every ride . This guy is full of 💩. It’s all fake news . Funny how they aren’t showing his bonus incentives . Sadly they need the story for public opinion reach out to this guy and crank his incentives leading upto the interview to skew the numbers . Or all drivers in the area at the time . Didn’t they do the same thing in California on Uber a few years back before a big bill vote ? By letting the drivers set their own surge multipliers ? As soon as the bill passed they took all that away . Minneapolis drivers don’t fall for this smoking mirrors.


Alright let's take a look at this 652 miles booked now let's add dead miles add 4 miles to each ride 60 that's another 240 miles soo we are looking at 900 miles that's at least 30gallons of gas times 3.30 or at least 100.00 now let's take out depreciation ( of just the vehicle miles at 18.5 cents per mile the most conservative possible 167.00 ). That's 267.00. Now maintenance and upkeep repairs tires oil changes the most conservative number is 1.10 mile remember there are things like tires oil changes and various preventive maintenance procedures at different maintenance schedules another 100.00 mow we are at 367.00 next let's subtract out ride share insurance 3.00 a week and that is conservative now its at a net minus of 370.00 from his 878 24 net 508.24 and that is by the most conservative subtraction now it shows 60 trips well I have been doing rideshare for almost 6 years that is at best 2 trips an hour soo he has got 30 hours invested in 508 dollars ( that is 16.93 an hour ). Now No health care. no holiday pay no 401k with company match no vacation pay, next the risk of an accident , damage to vehicle interior. Personal injury are all elevated, with no compensation and I happen too know the first 2 weeks of March were busy weeks the last 2 weeks of March it slows down he got lucky that happens about 40 weeks of the year drivers ate making much less than 16.93 an hour plus I noticed he is driving a Sorento with a 3rd seat capacity so that vehicle qualifies as an xl or comfort level vehicle witch pays a little better however maintenance upkeep and depreciation are higher about 8-12 % fuel economy is lower soo from the 508.24 we need to subtract 10% 37.00 witch brings us to 471.24 of real money earned after real world expenses divided by 30 hours of on the clock time witch now brings us to 15.70 an hour actually driving to ( dead miles waiting for passenger and driving passenger to drop off location ) 30 hours invested. Now there is the matter of dead time he sounds like he takes almost everything thrown at him if that's the case than he will have more dead miles to pick up location subtract another 8-12 dollars in gas LG suv's are thirsty soo he really made 462 .00 with 30 hours invested not including dead time waiting for a ride to ping which is about 25 % more time or 40 hours to make 462.00 all factors considered witch is a little over 11.00 an hour driving an xl class vehicle. Nuff said I have over 10000 rides and over 5000 food deliveries over almost 6 years I know what I am talking about. Next he talks about tax write off we all take the milage deduction but have to pay double fica that is 16% after milage deduction and does not off set no benefits by a large margin. 100 an hour ridiculous nobody makes 100 an hour its not even possible thats a flat out lie, he is showing you booked hours with does not incude drive time to the passenger and time where you are without a ride, 65000 dollars that is a lie 900.00 times 52 equals 46800 unless you incude all lyft fee's which is included at the end of the year also he is putting at least 45000 to 50000 miles a year on his car that sorento is a 40000 dollar vehicle in a low teim level to 45000.00 if you put 45000 miles a year for just two years thats 90000 miles what do you think that 40000 vehicle is going to be worth KBB value 16, 672 is what it is worth that is a 23000.00 dollar loss in depreciation thats right 23000.00 not including tax title and license its worse depending on trim level of the vehicle 1 more year of driving on that vehicle and it will almost be ineligible to drive with that vehicle on the platform the cut off is 150, 00 miles 23000 divided by 24 = 983.00 in depreciation per month alone , they are using the old numbers trick that these rid share companies have used time and again to fool you driving the way he does he is putting on alot of miles on that vehicle soo out of that money he earned you have to subtract at least 227.00 just for depreciation alone which is 63.00 more than originally estimated soo now we are down to 399.00 of actual profit when you factor in that vehicle being eaten up versus a regular job . LOL. Do the math before you air something like this, not to mention a 75.00 every 6000 miles oil hange and a set of tires that cost around 1200.00 per year between oil changes and a set of tires thats 1800 a year write there, 150.00 month . Do the math Channel 9 before you air something like that how about a counter point from a real driver who knows what is going on do you have the guts to air that .


He's telling a lie i do 16 hours lyft and uber and i can not make $200 so come and teach us hero i know he got paid
