I Miss You So Badly, But I’ll Never Go Back To You

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I often look back on our relationship and remember all the good and the bad times we had together.

It makes me miss the way I felt when you would hold me in your arms.

However, I know that I’m better off without you. I know that I won’t stop thinking about you for a long time.

No matter how much I miss you, I will find a way to live without you. I’m going to enjoy my life.

I am not going to beg for the crumbs of your affection and listen to your lies ever again.

No matter how much I miss you, I will get through this without you. I will eventually find someone better for me.

You aren’t going to be the most important part of my life anymore. I refuse to be addicted to you.

I was so focused on you that I forgot to put myself first for a change, and I’m going to do that now.

It’s time to make a change in my life and leave the past behind.

I deserve to be treated better than you could ever treat me, and I have to love myself more than I love you.

I still sometimes hope that you will call me and tell me how much you need me, but it’s good that you won’t.

When I dream about you, I see you making me laugh, but then I wake up and remember all the times you’ve made me cry.

I don’t want to live in a dream anymore. So, I got rid of all the things that reminded me of you and started a new life.

I’m slowly learning to accept that, and I’m becoming stronger each day. I miss you so badly, but less and less every day.

You actually taught me that I can survive anything. If I can survive our breakup and stop loving you, there will be nothing I won’t be able to do.

I have to thank you for breaking me, because, if you hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have known how much strength I actually have in me.

It’s time for me to be happy again, and I know that I will never be happy if I go back to you.

I would just go through all the pain of a toxic relationship all over again… and I can’t let myself do that no matter how much I miss you.

There’s someone better for me out there, and even though it’s hard for me to believe right now, I will love again.

With time, my wounds will heal and you will be just a painful memory…

I will find happiness without you and enjoy being alone for a while until the right man comes along.

I have no other choice since I don’t want to let anyone hurt me the way you did.

I’ll wait for the right person this time, and I won’t settle for anything less than the real thing.


#thinkaloud #breakups #IMissYou #badly #NeverGoBack #NoSecondChance #YouBrokeMyHeart #WrongMan #HappinessElsewhere
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