Dudemans BFR, Inverted in the Extra 12.28.2018

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Justin and I used the Extra for his BFR, it was awesome.

1. Lateral PIO Demo
2. CL Max demo 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, -0.2
3. Spin Upright Left

Lateral PIO Demo: I use this demo to do two things. First expose the student to lateral PIO. Second establish the language of the day. The maneuver requires talking about aircraft attitude, speed, and controls while referencing things outside as well as inside the cockpit. The maneuver begins the process of introducing the language we'll be using while still at one G.

CL Max Demo: This is a new one that came out of a discussion we had during the ground portion of the BFR. The idea was to stall the airplane at several load factors to compare the characteristics of the different stalls. By setting the airspeed for a specific load factor and then pinning the elevator, you can repeatably hit the same elevated G. Then for partial G we flew deeper and deeper parabolas until we were almost doing tailslides. Lots of fun, and a great new demo.

Upright Spin: Justin flew a ten turn upright spin to the left with neutral aileron. Always a fun maneuver in the Extra.
Рекомендации по теме

Nailing this format dude - loving the style - serious "Wasabi Signature" going on here. Also: BFR in an Extra300 'cause why the F not!? Love it!


Fun watching Dudeman's confidence, feedback and expertise improve. Good job.


Just wow! Phenomenal technical detail with great inside and outside view perspectives. Thanks!!


Awesome format and camera angles keep up the great work!


Now that it is the type of BFR I want. Great video’s Elliot love them all.


Love your videos Elliot, as a regular dude who is a long ways from getting off the ground; your vids put me in the cockpit. You Rock! How long until we see Seguin Jr. pulling 4Gs with you in the air? Lol!!!


Elliot. Great videos and energy. Love the knowledge you drop. Could you explain the mechanics of the CL Max demo at less the 1G. I get how to fly it at 1G and over. How do you set it up and fly it at less than 1G or -G. Thanks.


Cold day out there? Oh how I miss the days in Cal City and Mojave.


Nice one Elliot, thanks. My little and much loved RV4 is not quite the same tho ;)


Can i book with you Elliot? Am in the uk in the US at the end of the year for instrument training. Would love to fly with you bro


"dudeman" lol, we've got a buddy that we've been calling "the dudeman" since we were in the Navy in the mid-nineties. Basically, he's a living Spicoli who's every other word is dude or man.
