(Mastering JMP) Using JMP Clinical 17 for Medical Monitoring & Subject-Level Reviews

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One of the most significant roles of the Medical Monitor is conducting safety data reviews to evaluate the presence or lack of safety issues with respect to the treatment the subjects receive. Reviews are conducted throughout the study, from Phase 1 through Phase 4. Not only are reviews required by regulators, but they are necessary to ensure the safety of participants. By following subjects as they progress through the study, researchers can build a picture of the safety profile of the compound under consideration. See an example of how Medical Monitors can use JMP Clinical to discover and understand the causes of adverse safety events in a clinical trial using several JMP Clinical 17 study-level and subject-level data views.

JMP 17 Clinical does not require SAS, so the footprint and installation are smaller and easier, respectively. And updating reports is faster. Plus, because JMP Clinical 17 is based on JMP Pro, it offers a lot of ad hoc analysis capability.

00:00 Overview of the Study Data and Goal
02:48 Register a Study
06:46 Set Some Report Color and Other Format Defaults and Preferences
11:13 Use Templates to Create Reports Related to Adverse Events With Study Flow Diagram
15:25 Examine and Review Reports

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