Morrowind Tutorial: Power Levelling & Min Maxing Guide

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End title music by Kevin MacLeod


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Most of my time spent in Morrowind is creating new characters because I end up not liking my builds


4:30 One other thing about this, if you want to sell items that are worth more than his max gold, you can buy back smaller things that you sold him, wait 24 hours, and re-sell it to him. So if you want to sell a sword worth 10K, you sell it, buy 5K worth of stuff so the balance is 5K, wait 24 hours, sell the 5K of stuff you bought back to him, and you get the full value for the item.


This is a highly inefficient way of going about this. Its much more efficient to buy a spell with the Drain Skill effect, (available in the Sadith Mora thieves club), then make a custom spell lowering the skill you desire to train in, then cast the spell every-time before talking to a trainer in that skill. If your Drain Skill spell lowers your skill all the way the training will only cost 1 gold, and any trainer can train you up to 100, so you don't need Master trainers.

So for a game-play example from just starting the game, starting in Seyda Neen gather mushrooms from the nearby areas until you have 4 different types, two from on trees, two from on the ground. You can use the money you get from the release to travel to Balmora, in Balmore, join the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild and gather the supplies from the free Guild Supply Chest. In the Balmora Mages Guild talk to Ajira, and turn in the Mushrooms for her quest, then start her fake soul gem quest. Hurry to the upstairs of the Balmore Mages Guild then steal all the soul gems there while also completing the quest objective. Go back downstairs and use to Mage teleportation service to go to Caldera. In Caldera go to Ghorak manor to sell the soul gems to the Creeper. You can get the full value of the 6000 gold Dremora soul gem by buying back a previously sold 1200 soul gem in the same transaction. Then you can resell the 1200 soul gem. I do not suggest selling the 60, 000 gold soul gem until the Creeper has 55, 000 gold worth of stuff to buy back simultaneously. Sell all the guild supplies you don't need as well. Remember to wait for 24 hours to restock the Creepers gold. At this point you should have over 8000 Gold.

Return to the mages guild in Calder and travel to the Wolverine Hall, Sadith Mora's Mage Guild. Exit the guild, and wolverine hall by crossing the bridge and there should be a tavern right in front of you. On the 2nd floor of said tavern a man sells a spell that can drain skills. Buy it. Return to the mages guild, and travel back to Balmora. Use the high elf women in Balmora's Mage Guild to spell-make a spell such as "Drain Destruction 100 for 1 second". Each spell like this should cost ~70 gold. You may want to get one for Destruction training in order to cast the spell easily. After casting a spell should as this, any trainer can train you up to 100 for only 1 gold each training session as long as you click them before the 1 second expiration.

The Balmora Mage Guild has training for Destruction, Alchemy, Enchant, Conjuration, Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, Mysticism.
The Balmora Fighters Guild has Block, Blunt, Long Blade, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Armorer, Spear, and I believe Athletics and Blunt Weapon.
Both guilds have resting areas nearby for guild members so you can restore your magicka for additional castings if you need to.

Using this method you can get to level 100 in any skill for under 100 Gold paid in training for each skill, and you do not have to find the Master Trainers.

There actually are not as many reason to level up in Morrowind as people think. Leveling increases your attributes and your health, and sometimes what enemies spawn. But the majority of the most powerful items you can find, the spell effects you can cast, as well as the potions you can make do not change with level. A sufficiently experienced Morrowind player can end up near invincible at lvl 1 provided they know how.


You can sell Creeper personally made potions. A great way to level up your alchemy while making tons of money. The higher your alchemy skill the more money you can sell your potions for.


Thanks, read 2 long-ass tutorials and watched 3 videos on leveling before I stumbled upon this. And it was what I was looking for - finally someone just spelled out how to do the 5-5-5 level-ups, instead of going into the intricacies of the system for no damned reason.


FYI to anyone just passing through.

The faster you kill the king in Mornehold(provided you don't care about/have completed his quests)then the faster you can get the Royal Signet Ring, making you completely immune to any kind of magicks in Morrowind. It is the most broken item in that game and can be gotten at lvl 10 or so. It takes a while(a good 45+min)but going straight to Solstheim, swimming up the eastern coast to then going directly west to the Meadhall not only gets you Shadowsting and two nifty gloves, but also the Ebony Arrows of Slaying which have Dam. Health 5000pts which nothing in that game can walk away from. It's a long and dangerous trip but well worth it. This ensures you'll kill the king on your first shot. Merely drainNtrain or make a decent Fortify Accuracy -10sec spell and you're off. Killing him without being seen is tricky but there are a few spots you can stand in where they won't see you take the shot if in Sneak mode. It also pays to raise the stat so a good Camo spell will work but it isn't required. After that, it's pretty much demi-god status with CE Reflect100% and ResistMagicka100% plus health/fat. CE restore. All food and booze is yummy and harm-free now, so no more worries about healing stat damage. That aspect of the game is almost totally removed with that ring equipped. Also, while the Creeper is an alright method, robbing House Redoran in Vivec and just hoofing it to the mudcrab essentially gets you 2x as much gold in half the time. Mark/Recalling the crab makes it faster and you can sleep right beside the mudcrab. There's a key to the lower treasure vault in Dralor Manor that is stupidly easy to get not 15min after starting a new game just by nudging the door open so the woman doesn't see you take it. Open the vault with the key and they don't care and that Ordinator inside will eventually walk out if you just lurk in and out of the open vault like a decent robber. Once he does walk out, a whole suit of Ebony w/ Tower Shield with assorted glass/ebony weapons and chests full of gold is now free to the people. In contrast to the harsh journey getting the arrows at lvl1, if someone just wanted a badass suit of armor and some weapons/gold literally right when the game starts, that's the most efficient way to do it but most of it needs some repair but there's plenty of gold in there for it in that vault.

I got curious as to how far I could push my base-magicka level and after making everything that touched my body(including exquisite ring and amulet) CE Fortify Int. at least 1 or more, my character is permanently capped at 316 Intelligence as long as I don't unequipped my shield. A Daedric Tower Shield can hold a CE 1 - 85 For. Attribute(at over 100, 000gold to make) and by taking advantage of the dice roll, equipping/unequipping until the buff screen reads 75 or more and will raise any given stat to 170 or more. An Altmer + Sign of the Mage plus full Fortify Int. clothes&armor is how I got it my Int. so high and obviously requires leveling, which does not take long at all in this game. As primarily a JRPG hound dog, Morrowind has the most ridiculously broken leveling system I've ever seen in my life, which is just..epic for someone used to the long grind getting ready for superbosses and madness-inducing dungeons. Fortify Magicka gear in this game is 100% useless as every 10 Intelligence points allows for much, much more magicka in the actual pool than fortifying it directly, or that's what I noticed.

The Mantle of Woe is rough in the sun but offers 5.0% For.Magicka and with an Int. stat of 200 or more CE, equipping that robe with full everything For. Int. makes your magicka pool skyrocket. I have over 2700 magicka and it is a glorious thing to behold. I use a variety of spells that cost 90 to 120+ MP casually. Thing is, even Exclusive Restore Magicks potions are almost useless to me unless I drink 6-7 at one time with more resting needed. This method, of course, can be flipped to just max-stacking any given attribute skill, but the Mantle of Woe allows for a much greater increase than anything else.

Casting a combined Fire/Frost/Shock Shield spell while wearing the Ebony Mail is very, very pretty. I would not step to somebody surrounded in a cocoon of rainbow colors and sparkles.


I would highly recommend when getting the Shoes of Blinding Speed to just use Invisibility instead of Telekinesis, it is much easier and works fast.


Seriously, people bothered you so much about it? They don't know how to enjoy a good walkthrough.


I still play Morrowind to this day. It's sooo good. I love how "difficult" the game is in the start cause you actually feel your player progressively grow stronger and your decision making really has an effect.
I do enjoy Skyrim, but it's so disappointing. It's so simple and basic, you're just thrown into the world and you're already good at everything, you merely just get better.
I want future Elder Scroll games to bring back the RPG feel of Morrowind back.
Let the complainy babies that whine about how hard it is just get over it and learn the game the long way like a game should. If you have a love for a game, you'll be willing to buckle down and think and strategize and feel that awesome goodness you feel when you notice you're getting good at the game.

A 5 year old could play


If only my brother was this competent. The brother must be older. Because this is pretty much how I have to guide my little brother.


the thing about i like Morrowind more than Skyrim is that, Skyrim is so easy to finish, the storyline is half a page long, in Morrowind, you need to earn your place to be able to kill a god instead of just Fus Ro Da'h-ing your way through. And in Morrowind, it actually tells you to go do something else, but in Skyrim, the Dragon Crisis is such a big deal that you forgot about it after doing Thieves Guild heist or what ever.


I don't plan on playing Morrowind anytime soon. But man, I love watching guides about it


I wouldn't recommend to any new player to do the 3x5 attribute stat. Instead go for 2x5 and 1x1 luck. Take luck as a stat in the creation. You have much more fun leveling, more levels overall and its less tedious. Maxing luck is a good and valid strategy since it gives +modifier to every skill / spell and combat type


8:30 I'd argue that actually you shouldn't be doing this, you should be putting 1 point into luck each level and getting 2 skills increased by 5 instead of 3 skills by 5. Luck impacts basically all of your other skills, so although it seems wasteful to get only 1 point per level, it's actually worth it, plus you can still max out all of the other skills by doing 2 of them per level instead of 3.


Also, jump everywhere. You'll be happy you did when you have 100 acrobatics at level 14 and you can get to all sorts of difficult to reach places easily. Plus you can jump over the heads of those idiot NPCs that are always standing in narrow halls and bridges.


I never used Mark/Recall to get Creeper; any Almsivi Intervention takes you to a town with a Mages Guild you can use to teleport to Caldera (except for Gnisis, in which case you need to take one more step and take the Silt Strider over to Ald'ruhn). Mark/Recall is much better for saving your spot in a dungeon if you come across some really good loot you just don't have the room to carry.


If you're a Breton the boots of blinding speed don't blind you


thats exactly how i played it back in the days...i know i´m late but it´s still nice to see this clip from you
bless your brother ^^


Your a really cool brother letting your brother level you up, thats true siblings right there 🙂🙂


do you need to min max like this to have a decent character? i mean, i think it is cool you can overpower yourself in a matter of hours, but i kinda wanna just get experience through quests. for a first playthrough, anyway
