Which Battle Pack is BETTER? | LEGO 501st vs Clone Troopers and Battle Droids Battle Packs COMPARED!

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LEGO Clone Troopers Vs. Battles Droid Battle pack 75372 VS Lego 501st 75280

Lego battle pack 2024

#lego2024 #legostarwars #legoclonewars
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New is definitely cooler with the variety and potential for an actual battlefield


The speeder in this new battle pack DOES fit in the CG gunship, you just have to turn it on its side to fit past the bars and then it'll sit perfectly in the gunship when you straighten it out. The little turret is also able to fit in the front compartment of the CG gunship.


I’m sorry but I just prefer the clones VS droids battle pack, the 501st battle pack should’ve included a separatist vehicle instead of that massive speeder. Thats really it though. I also LOVE that the 2024 one has NINE mini figures, it’s like 2 battle packs in one!


in my opinion, one hundred percent the 2024 one.


I do hope they keep mixing it up. Would be boring if they just kept pumping out the same thing. Personally my favorite battle pack was the Mandalorian pack from the Mandalorians vs Clones. The matching armor and the speeder bike that looked like it flew right off the screen from "The Mandalorian Plot." I even got that Bounty Hunter pack as a gift for my little brother. He loved the Tales of the Bounty Hunters book as a kid and actually liked Dengar above the others. So this was a cheap way to get assorted bounty hunters. Not good for army building but good for getting a nice collection of minifigs.


I do hope they keep mixing it up . Both are great sets. And feel it’s nice to get more of the droids faction since for a good while the droids always felt forgotten in sets in my opinion


In perfect world we would get 2 battle packs at the same time, one for droids, one for 501st, both obviously without named characters and some pack of nice blue pieces with 501st
having 2 you could freerly buy whatever you want/need


Probably the 2024 one since its just some normal P2 clone troopers instead of 501st. Plus you get more droids. Overall feels like your actually getting a good deal here.


I really hope we get that larger version of the tri droid from the
Clone Wars somehow, it would benefit very greatly from just giving it that extra big piece count and it could also work so well as it's own stand alone set and it could also come up with minifigures just as Asajj Ventress in her 2008 blue outfit and Anakin and Obi-wan.


Your content is actually so good dude. Always love watching. Keep it up!


Id say both are really great. One is a fantastic clone army builder with a couple nice vehicles. And looks fantastic on display.
The other is a fantastic clone army builder, fantastic droid army builder with decent enough vehicles. And is perfect for play.

Id say the target audience (children) will enjoy the second newer set more. It has about equal stuff for both sides of the battlefield. lots of stuff to shoot. A pair of speeder to chase each ofher around. And just overall more play potential.

The 501st set has better builds and still stuff to shoot. But its very one sided. If you want to have a more equal battle you had to buy the aat from the same wave. And even then the fight is still more one sides towards the clones.

Hopefully lego continues to do battlepacks like this for other factions and eras. Would love to have some of these based on the battle of scarif and crait.


Personally both, but I’m slowly leaning towards showcasing multiple factions. I’m very happy we’re getting more Separatists stuff considering the lack of them in recent years. However, I would like for Lego to make a Separatist oriented battle pack, even if it was just a bunch of battle droids.

Also 1:29 has some great meme potential


Hopefully we get a rebels vs storm trooper battle pack later, can’t wait to get the clone pack- might even get 2!


My ideal world would be two battle packs that are like the 501st. One with clone focused builds and the other with separatist focused builds.


I prefer the new one honestly. It has both a better figure selection and better builds.


There is a wonderful alternate build of an at-rt, and a speeder by solid bird studios I did and it looks amazing!


Anyone else notice that one of the engines on the speeder of the 501st is put on backwards 1:05


It’s such a hard chose between these two. I love the variety we get with the new battle pack, but I’d also love if LEGO made more larger battle packs focused on one legion of clone. Either way I know that these will continue to sell really well as long as they keep making them.


I typically only get 1 copy for battle packs but I got 3 of the 501st battle packs because of the great figs and it was a good parts pack. Iv done many iterations of alternative builds for that set and now I have 1 alt using 1 pack and 1 alt using 2 packs. In one alt I scaled down the speeder and At-rt and they look much cleaner. It was so much fun making alternative builds. I feel like LEGO could have made it a $20 set by not including the battle droids and scaling the two builds down. I think this new battle pack is a much better deal and will be fun making alternative builds with it, especially for the clones cuz the command station and speeder definitely need the improvement. The only thing I'm kinda bummed out about is no inclusion of helmet ecsessories for the clones but the thermal detonaters kinda makes up for it. Most exciting thing is definitely the figures. The shock trooper being in a much cheaper set and the long waited return for the super battle droids, I just hope they're not as fragile. The new battle pack is definitely one of the best battle packs of all time. I can't wait to make an alternate build for it. Also just like you, I really don't give a F about the very controversial helmet holes.


I have to vote for the new solely due to the side builds, mainly the STAP and Tri Droid. I've always heavily favored doing a droid as the main build in place of a walker. The 501st battle pack AT-RT and speeder bike are just too oversized and in turn I never even ended up building them when I purchased the set. Most of the battle back walkers and vehicles are tacky, the only exceptions I can think of are the great speeder bike build from the clone battle pack with the bomb squad troopers, and the swamp speeder included in the Kashyyyk troopers battle back, both were a good size and decently accurate.
