RFID based attendance systems- Hardware explanation with output
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#erotechsolutions #embeddedsystems
RFID based attendance system using 8051 microcontroller, TTLbased RFID reader, 16x2 LCD .
EROTECH Solutions provides Advanced Embedded systems training with 3 levels Firmware, Internet of Things-IoT and Device Drivers. Firmware includes C language, Data structures under Linux- Ubuntu platform, Embedded C programming, Micro controllers 8051, PIC, Arduino, AVR, protocols UART, I2C, SPI, CAN data frame and applications with different modules, sensors, displays etc. IoT includes Python programming, ARM architecture, Advanced Micro controllers LPC 2148, ARM 7 core based controller, raspberry Pi ARM 9 based development board, STM32f103c8, cortex based controller board, applications with wireless modules like Bluetooth, wifi, Xbee, GSM, GPS modules . Device drivers includes Linux system programming, Linux network programming, Kernel image build. application s with beglebone. Erotech solutions divided into two divisions Training , Development . two divisions head by Y. Sheshananda reddy Masters in Electronics and communication.
RFID based attendance system using 8051 microcontroller, TTLbased RFID reader, 16x2 LCD .
EROTECH Solutions provides Advanced Embedded systems training with 3 levels Firmware, Internet of Things-IoT and Device Drivers. Firmware includes C language, Data structures under Linux- Ubuntu platform, Embedded C programming, Micro controllers 8051, PIC, Arduino, AVR, protocols UART, I2C, SPI, CAN data frame and applications with different modules, sensors, displays etc. IoT includes Python programming, ARM architecture, Advanced Micro controllers LPC 2148, ARM 7 core based controller, raspberry Pi ARM 9 based development board, STM32f103c8, cortex based controller board, applications with wireless modules like Bluetooth, wifi, Xbee, GSM, GPS modules . Device drivers includes Linux system programming, Linux network programming, Kernel image build. application s with beglebone. Erotech solutions divided into two divisions Training , Development . two divisions head by Y. Sheshananda reddy Masters in Electronics and communication.
RFID based attendance systems- Hardware explanation with output
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