BFB And TPOT But Whoever Is Bottom Two Is Eliminated

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BFB (Battle for BFDI) and TPOT (The Power of Two) but whoever has the second most votes (in vote to eliminate) or second least votes (in vote to save) is eliminated.

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10:39 APOY would be happy because Eggy got 2nd in this timeline


7:15 scared the crap out of me
I thought there was a devourer of souls with 35 somewhere in my walls


Make a challenge that who character talk first will be eliminated from bfdi. (Make in first series from bfdi.) (If you alredy make this challenge make a new) Thanks for see this comment. And good luck making this challenge! You are the unic famous youtuber of USA that like bfdi or all of the series of bfdi. Hello i am from brazil. And from brazil together speaking the linguace that is portuguese. I like bfdi :) ( that i know )


It's actually Bubble who joins TPOT since she placed 3rd (replacing TD) but it really doesn't matter since she would be eliminated 8 episodes in


Incase you don’t know the list of eliminated contestants:
64th: iance: Fanny (Pencil replaces Fanny)
63rd: BEEP: David (Leafy replaces David)
62nd: Team Ice Cube: Bracelety (Bracelety replaces Gelatin)
61st: Death P.A.C.T.: Pie (Liy replaces Pie)
60th: BEEP: Leafy (Roboty replaces David) (as usual)
59th: The Losers!: Eggy (Loser The Hero replaces Eggy)
58th: An Better Name Than That: GB (8B replaces GB)
57th: Free Food: Puffball (Stapy replaces Puffball)
56th: BEEP: 3rd time: Rocky (Roboty replaces Rocky)
Rejoin 1: Eggy (as Loser).
First Rejoin: Rejoiners Eliminated:
P2 at 10 likes


Kinda funny when Eggy went back to where she came from.


I know that my comment was in this direction V not letter V the this direction V yeah this direction V
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I like this idea, keep up the good work!


16:07 2 of my favorite characters are still in the game, that is Roboty and match, I just hope they can still go strong.


2:55 what if saw says golf Golf ball would be squished and then the fumes would go into saw but because 8 ball was a ball that is eight maybe instead it would be golf ball I don’t know what I’m saying but you get the point right 2:56


I actually like this way better than regular tpot and bfb eliminations lmao, this is basically a bfb my way.


Random fact, if fanny was out first of instead of pencil, chances are that the BFB 12 (I think) challenge would have gone entirely differently Since it took so long for iance to figure it out with her, I’m pretty sure they couldn’t have if she wasn’t there they wouldn’t figure it out, and team ice cube was stumped, possibly they figure it out? I don’t know, tree is a pretty good actor and most likely could have kept it up the entire time, so maybe iance guesses too many times and they loose the challenge? if this was the normal voting, I’m pretty sure it would have been flower going. Imagine how different of a season it could have been if that happened.


Me knowing dora placed 9th instead of 55th 😊


Imagining scenarios that would cause these eliminations to be canon:


BFB 2: Fanny - This one is obvious, if Pencil and Match didn't become villainous all of a sudden like in canon, they'd definitely be safe. Fanny is the obvious choice out.
BFB 3: David - This one is similar. If Leafy just wasn't as bossy, and had a more steady redemption, David would easily get eliminated here.
BFB 4: Gelatin - This one is hard to do, but if Bracelety got slight character development or less annoying of a voice, or simply just wasn't just all obsessed with Ice Cube, I could see her surviving over Gelatin.
BFB 5: Pie - Pie is also a hard one to get out here, as she was only voted for her inactivity. Liy could probably be saved if she didn't do stuff with Teardrop or Bell, and was mainly seen for her passion towards preventing death (maybe her elimination speech could happen in Episode 4, alternatively)
BFB 6: Leafy - If Leafy's bossiness was postponed to a future episode, she'd easily get out over Roboty (she did it in canon anyways)
BFB 7: Eggy - It's really much of a struggle to have Loser survived since he didn't really do anything specifically wrong to garner votes. Either make Eggy more rude during her time, or flesh out various characters on the Losers to not have Loser be a target (for being so beloved)
BFB 8: Golfball - I'm pretty sure 8ball got out from bots. Just don't include the bots. 8-Ball's development with GB already happened and he apologized, so not much else he could do to be saved. I wouldn't say get rid of it entirely, but perhaps tone it down in BFB 3 & 4.
BFB 9: Puffball - Just... don't cheat Stapy 💀
BFB 10: Rocky - If Roboty showed more easily noticeable personality, or something major happened (perhaps his compartment was opened), he could slide pass this elimination just barely. Alternatively, you can have Rocky sabotage the challenge for his team, that usually does the trick.
BFB 11: Eggy - Have Eggy apologize in BFB 7, potentially. It'd be hard to beat Leafy, but if she acted *really* bad before her elimination or just never apologized or was nice, Eggy could maybe rejoin over Leafy (I still doubt this could happen)
BFB 12: Snowball - Another simple one. Assuming Pencil and Match survive for being normal in BFB 1, Match could easily survive bottom two against the mean Snowball. She doesn't even need character development, as long as she doesn't get worse from BFDIA.
BFB 13: Naily - Just have Naily be in the wrong instead of Firey Jr. That'd do the trick.
BFB 15: Lollipop - Do more with Dora, or have Lollipop be more sassy or villainous, this is another hard one considering who Dora is, but the votes weren't too far apart, so it's possible with a little more negativity from Lollipop, she could get out. (Having her not be in the Arc but continue her rude nature would get her out)
BFB 16: Donut - Don't have Spongy be a selfish jerk 💀


BFB 18: Ruby - Eggy and Dora would be hard to get save votes, but I could see Ruby get out if she just never pulled out the Freesmart van or had most of her funny lines. Giving Balloony more character would be good too.
BFB 19: Blocky - If this was the actual cast, I think Blocky would get out regardless of any changes. Donut isn't very mean in BFB so he'd be able to win against Blocky no problem.
BFB 20: Bracelety - Without Ice Cube, this could easily be her downfall. Her entire character is wrapped around Ice Cube, even if it isn't in this universe, she could still get out just due to not having much going on with her.
BFB 21: Taco - Same case, if Donut manages to become well-liked (he definetly can), Taco can easily say goodbye here.
BFB 22: Flower - With the close voting, we can just say Flower loses in the end, a Flower voter would vote for Donut and switch the results.
BFB 23: Dora - This one doesn't even need an explanation. Dora isn't survivng against the underdogs or the fan favorites.
BFB 24: Leafy - This is also plausible, since Leafy would now have to split votes with Firey, she could be in trouble and get out, even if she makes up with Firey.
BFB 25: Woody - Firey could get a bit of development without Leafy here. Eggy and Teardrop would most definetly bond (probably an alliance) and could outbeat Woody.
BFB 26: Balloony - Surprised he could make it this far. He could become more liked, but now is more than reasonable to have him eliminated.
BFB 27: Firey - Already won a season. Need I say more?
BFB 28: Donut - He won immunity for 4 episodes straight. He'd become an easy fan-favorite but his immunity streak would come back to bite him in the end. Bubble and Eggy could definitely get more votes than Donut simply because they were UFE more.
BFB 29: Bubble - Eggy finally wins immunity! With her friendship with Teardrop, the massive amounts of Eggy fans (and of course, Teardrop fans) would probably vote for Teardrop to keep the friendship between them. After Ruby got out, despite still being loved, Bubble just really did not have a lot to do. She survived many close calls but eventually she had to go for not doing much.
BFB 30: Teardrop - Teardrop could easily play a great game with Eggy, being both good at friendships while also a challenge beast! Despite gaining an incredibly large fanbase, Eggy would never be able to even come close to TD. GG!


TPOT 2: Marker - Pencil has extreme past season relevance and Liy is a very complex character. Marker would obviously beat the dust here.
TPOT 3: Loser - Even though he didn't rejoin unfairly, considering the lack of save votes in Post-Split, he could get out just for stealing the spotlight and not having much character. It would be very tough to beat out most of the team, but I feel like he could fail enough. Lol.
TPOT 4A: Spongy - Similar case here. Whether caught in the vote war or not, Spongy does not have a large fanbase, as we've seen countless times.
TPOT 4B: Ice Cube - Although not a favorite of mine, I still don't know how Cloudy got out. If he had more to do with his collection in TPOT 3 like we saw in TPOT 2, he could survive though. As for Roboty, keep the thing I mentioned in BFB 10's elimination, that could give him some votes
TPOT 5A: Book - Not sure Firey Jr is very liked, but maybe making his an opposer to Pillow could give an interesting opportunity to a new arc
TPOT 5B: Pencil - No Ruby or Bubble, and Match is on a different team. She also doesn't fit the dynamic of the team at all. Could get in the vote war but ultimately would get out just due to not being that interesting.
TPOT 6A: Basketball - Either take away Basketball's sudden love from TPOT 1 and make her bland again. Or just... GIVE FOLDY AN ACTUAL CHARACTER FOR ONCE.
TPOT 6B: Tennis Ball - No GB? There goes your entire character!
TPOT 7A: Bottle - Start the Winner-Clock arc early; Leaves Bottle to get out. Cloudy, Roboty, and Yellow Face could have a "limbless" alliance going perhaps.
TPOT 7B: Remote - TPOT 5, that's it.
TPOT 8A: Bomby - I don't know, maybe have Cake explore more of his development without Loser? Never got touched on except in TPOT 3 and 8. That could give him more fans and popularity perhaps.
TPOT 8B: Cloudy - This time Cloudy couldn't survive. The others would just be much more likeable than him.
TPOT 9A: 8Ball - This is not a shock. 8-Ball (nor Stapy for the matter) were ever really that popular. 8-Ball would probably act as a leader for his team instead of Golf Ball, but he doesn't have the charm that Golf Ball has, so he'd see himself eliminated here.
TPOT 9B: Needle - Oof, another hard one. Just have her lose the vote war I guess, it was close between all but Gaty (and Saw), so she could just lose here from luck.
TPOT 10A: Firey Jr - He's Firey Jr 🤓

And that's it! Wow that took me way too long. Sorry if this is a lot, I just started theorizing and got cared away! I know a lot of people just say this but I mean it when I say your videos are awesome! It's just cool to see all these things and think about them. I'm glad you're still uploading content. Good work! :D

(also, still waiting for FFF 3 👀)


Pretty interesting finale lol, its basically Eggy and the only person she was in good terms with (also, my favorite won 🙏🙏)




Bfb but Fanny is in last place be like


Is Leafy your Number one Favorite Character, Leafy is my Favorite in My Opinion


Whoever made their team lose is eliminated?


I remember doing this with my own show like 4 years ago
