Guitar Teacher REACTS: U2 - Bullet The Blue Sky - Zoo TV Live

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First time music reaction and guitar analysis of U2 - Bullet The Blue Sky (Zoo TV Live From Sydney)

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It should be iligal to watch this song without watching the next one! :))


As U2 grew as musicians, their live performances became exponentially superior to their studio recordings. This has always been the case from day one, as the live energy to put forth was always infectious and inclusive. However, this is probably one of the prime example of how much better they are live, purely from a musical standpoint (the visuals and live performance artists is a whole other topic). On just the solo, the "funk" that is talked about here thorughout is only hinted at on the studio version. The solo is also expanded and beefier. U2 tend to be even more minimalist in the studio. It is live and in a stadium, so naturally they have made some more bold choices. There is slightly more atmpsheric guitar in the studio, here it is much heavier. It also has a far more sinister feel not only in guitar but bass and Bono's delivery. By comparison the studio version feel anemic, when I listen to them in isolation. (when I listen in context of the album it works perfectly). There is also a bit more a a blues fell in his touch and flourishes. The wah effects are much more prominent. The single note guitar pulses during the handclap section strike with an ominousness not present on the studio recording. They echo out like probes, scanning the area. The entire performance engulfs the audience making us feel like we are in the war zone, rather than watching and listening from a detached point of view.


The whole concept of the Zoo Tv tour was an absolute game changer. It was a totally immersive experience like never seen or heard before. I’m so glad I was able to be a Celtic Park in Glasgow to see this tour - brilliant


Jimmy Page called Edge a sonic architect. Describes him perfectly


You need to check out U2 Live At Red Rocks from 1983, I believe. One of my top 3 concert videos of all time. Rocks from first to last note. It's early U2 in their prime. Btw..the other two favorite concerts are Pink Floyd, Pulse tour, and Peter Gabriel, Secret World tour.


As a 64-year-old lifelong music nut (yes I’m old) I have seen most major bands/artists during/near their respective peaks. Of everyone I’ve seen, U2, Pink Floyd, and Queen (with Freddie) are on an entirely different level than anyone else. I’ve seen at least 1 show on every U2 tour beginning with Joshua Tree in 1987. The ZooTV tour from which this video was filmed was the best show I’ve ever seen from any artist. Mind blowing. Crazy thing is until very recently, U2 were *still* one of the best live bands in the world. From 1983(ish) - 2017(ish) they were as good as anyone. Considering they are in their *SIXTH* decade performing live, thats bonkers.

To be clear, before anyone jumps down my throat, I’m not suggesting they’re terrible now. They’re still fairly good. Edge is as good as ever. The issue is Bono‘s vocal issues seem to have finally come home to roost. As he’s gotten older he seemed to have done his best to preserve his beautiful instrument by cutting out smoking and employing proper technique ever since he plowed through the vocal cord polyps thats initially surfaced near the end of Popmart, through ATYCLB sessions, and subsequent Elevation tour. But there’s only so much he can do it at this point.


amazing ... check out "Until the end of the world " from the same ZOO tv also a great guitar work!!


If you think thats awesome the two songs that follow running to a stand still and where the streets have no name are truly amazing


This song is an absolute menacing beast, live. Energy is ridiculous


My favourite band! This is a great version of this song, very intense, and this tour was very visually charged, so the dramatic performance fits really well. The song is about the very negative effect of US intervention in El Salvador, and the rest of Latin America in the late 70s and 80s. I hope you'll react to more of their songs =)


Bullet the Blue Sky is an absolute masterpiece. It's a protest song against U.S, support for right-wing governments in El Salvador, and U.S. policies/actions in Latin America during the Cold War more generally.


This song is one of the heavier U2 songs. The studio version and the original live versions are less involved. The Edge did a lot of slide work on the song, since it was about the US bombing El Salvador in the 1980’s. The song was played live during the previous two tours in the late 80’s. They invigorated the song with The Edge’s playing giving a nod to Hendrix. The Edge was using a lot more wah/envelope filter in the 90’s and he still used a bit of slide towards the end there. The studio version has slide all over it. U2 seems to do everything in phases.


Look for the live version in Paris. That'll knock you socks off!


Acrobat, wire, promenade, love comes tumbling.


Should react to them doing until the end of the world live from this tour


the Edge est un ingénieur du son on le reconnaît a la 1ere note avec ce delay particulier et la voix de Bono grand ténor le groove de Larry et Adam ils sont unis comme les 4 pieds d'une table et vivement le nouvel album


If you enjoy darker U2 try Exit 🙂An absolute hidden gem


WOW, you should know by now Bono and the band are from Ireland.


Great 👍, but how did you come up with this first choice (detail: Pepper's were later). On the album Joshua Tree, which sold around 30 million, and in this brilliant concert, the song transitions into a brilliant musically and lyrically completely different song Running To Stand Still (riddle for you: what is that song about?). It's a shame, so a great transition.
If you want to get to know U2's post-punk roots, the legendary amphitheater concert Red Rocks 1983 (good videos!!!) would be a good place to start: Sunday, Bloody Sunday and New Years Day are the well-known hits; I Threw A Brick Through A Window (groovy), Out Of Control, Electric Co also unique songs on the DVD Red Rocks.
ZOO TV (3rd U2 phase for me) stood for the end of the cold war/fall of the Berlin Wall, the media specifically TV Info flooding/US Iraq war coverage and later even direct concert broadcast to Sarajevo in the Yugoslavia war zone.
ZOO TV was an advanced multimedia show, early in show gigantism. The U2 tightrope dance began: on the one hand artistically unique, on the other hand and sometimes pop-trivial. In the U2 poppy 2000s, The Edge began to make do with riffs or alienated guitar sounds (radio songs). Live, U2 was still a musical pleasure. I'll be surprised how you continue???


You mean the rhcp remind you of U2????!
