Kobe - În sfârșit
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14. Kobe - În sfârșit (Făuritorul de flow)
Text&Interpretare: Kobe
Muzica: Doxe&Lijahfrmatl
Rec&Mix&Master: Ares @DreamZone
Cover art: Ares&Dianka
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All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
Text&Interpretare: Kobe
Muzica: Doxe&Lijahfrmatl
Rec&Mix&Master: Ares @DreamZone
Cover art: Ares&Dianka
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All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
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