Why I Had to Leave My Land (Stalking)

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Thanks everyone for your kind words, I really appreciate your love and support ❤️ Please know that I never post my live location when I’m still there, and I take various other safety precautions. However this doesn’t stop some people from crossing very serious lines… anyhow, I appreciate you all being here (virtually, lol!), and I hope to find some way to navigate this situation.


I don't know if others have said this, but I just wanted to say that leaving that space for now is not giving up or giving in. You are using the tools that you have to protect yourself, and being in a different location where you can feel safe and regroup is the strongest thing to do. You got this ❤


Stay safe. This 71-year-old grandmother loves watching your travels and is so very proud of your courage. You give other young women and men permission to be brave and follow their dreams by following yours. I'm proud of you, Eva.


If you take time away from the channel for your safety, then do it. Your safety is paramount. Praying for your safety


All I can say is that dogs are the most incredible angels, he fell asleep right away when she felt safe and calmed down.


I am so sorry that this has happened. No one deserves to live in fear.


Dont blur his face. If he is stalking you or if he was just a harmless visitor, let the world know. He came onto your property.


My sister had a similar thing happen. She’s a waitress and does community theatre on the side. A man approached her after a show. Told her he had seen several of her performances and recognized her from her waitress job. He then told her he felt a “spiritual connection “ to her and wanted to take her out. When she declined he stalked her at her work several times and eventually sent her mail at her home address. It was a poem about how he couldn’t live without her smile. Insanity! It was terrifying and she ended up moving back home because she didn’t feel safe. How dare these people take away your safety! I’m so sorry you are dealing with this, it is not right! Stay safe and do what you need to to find peace.


1. Check your vehicle top to bottom for any tracking devices.

2. Change your license plate immediately! And start covering it up in your videos.

3. Don't announce your plans of where you're going.

4. As bad as it sounds, you should consider buddying up with someone instead of going solo. This day in age there's more creeps than ever in history, and these days, they have more capabilities.

5. If you go back to your land, put up a perimeter fence around your structure & add motion sensor spotlights (preferably with cameras in each direction) to aid in deterring or slowing down whatever threatens your well being, which at the very least can give you time to prepare to react/defend. Because sadly, this is the reality of a solo camper/traveler.

6. Not sure about the laws of owning a firearm there, but you should seriously consider it along with any training to get you comfortable using said protection if you don't already.

And lastly, you made the right choice to leave. Especially with your dog on alert, there was definitely a potential threat lurking about.


Look out for your safety first. While it's nice to know what we can look forward to, it may be better to not announce future plans and where you will be traveling. Wait and post after you have gone on to a different location.


I've worked private security for a long time and that sort of behavior is a massive red flag and that's a total understatement. To go through that sort of effort indicates extremely dangerous behavior. Please seek some sort of outside help. No idea what your budget is, or how the polish police will handle these things. A restraining order will do nothing to a determined offender and may actually make it worse.


I had two men show up in our remote camp in Idaho in 1979. I was camping with my boyfriend and his best friend from Maryland, and his girlfriend also from Maryland. My boyfriend was from Maryland and moved to Idaho to attend the Forestry Program. I was the only Idaho native. While our boyfriends were fishing in mountain lakes all day, two men showed up drunk with a bottle of whisky in our camp. At first I thouht of them as more of a nuisance. After hours of them drinking and offering us beer and whiskey, (we had our own beer ), and it started getting dark, and our boyfriends hadn't returned, I started to get nervous. The old man was friendly joking and a talker . His son looked like Grizzley Adams and never said one word, just stared at us. I was 19, long blonde hair, thin. Cindy was 20 long blonde hair, and both of us wore swim suit tops and jeans when they came into camp. We changed to flannel shirts, jeans, hiking boots, and I wore my down vest. When it got dark I went to the pickup and slammed a banana clip of 50 rounds of 22 shells into my 22 rifle. I took it back to the campfire and just sat there holding onto my rifle talking to them like nothing happened. The huge 6 ft plus mountain man, left went to his camp, next to ours, came back with a 45 strapped to his hip. I told Cindy to meet me at the pickup. I explained to her things might get weird if the guys don't come back, and the fact Grizzley Adams had armed up, but I had more bullets, and wasn't holstered. So the next 5 hours we sat there uncomfortable staring at each other. The old man kept joking and doing small talk, never said a word about me grabbing my rifle, or his son holstering up his sidearm on his hip. T he son just stared at us with this creepy stare. Didn't talk Finally at 2 AM our boyfriends came down the mountain very loud and drunk. We were so pissed as they left us alone in that camp, but they didn't know about those two men. Those men had drove by looking for a place to camp that afternoon, and saw us two young women alone by ourselves and set up camp in the spot next to ours. *T hey left as soon as our boyfriends returned. Never said a word just left.


So as a woman who spent a lifetime camping solo in backcountry, hunting and hiking and exploring, people are really the only predators I had to worry about. I do carry a gun now when I am out because of experiences I had that were very terrifying and close calls. I also use motion activated solar lights around my tent as early warning systems as well as some other more secretive alert systems. The best thing is to use deterrents as much as possible but give yourself as much early warning also so you can be alert and properly responsive when needed. I am not the kind of woman to let people prevent me from doing the things I love and I don’t think you are either. I am familiar and proficient with firearms and have had personal defense training as well. A good guard dog helps. Mine was a Doberman who has since passed and she was often deterrent enough. There are always going to be men who think they know you or want to possess you. Who knows what stories they cook up in their heads or delusions they harbor. Just know you can find ways to continue on the path you have chosen. Don’t let the b—ds get you down!


Don’t be so stubborn Eva! Follow your gut. Leaving is not giving up. Leaving was the safest option.


I am so, very sorry this happened to You, I too had a similar, much more scarier experience. I lived alone in My Wilderness Cabin in No Where Yukon, when I came home from My Midnight shift at the hospital, I found a Man already waiting there for Me. Since we leave our doors unlocked, in the North, in case there are emergencies for folks who made need shelter, I found a Man inside My wee 10'x10' cabin... he was a construction worker at the hospital, he never did tell Me how he found out where I lived, alone... I leave a loaded .22 by the door and I had my hunting knife... My 2 dogs tried to warn Me prior, by greeting Me in My laneway, I just thought they were extra happy to see Me! My female then 'glued' herself to my side and gave low growls, I thought there was maybe an animal nearby, there were no tire tracks and no vehicle close to My property. He had already started a fire in my sauna, and was clearly drunk at 0830hrs. My hairs went up, I asked him to leave, told him my dog was trained to an attack word, he left, or so I thought, he then came back fully naked, trying to force me into the sauna.. I yelled and screamed, in case my closest neighbour was home, he wasn't... I grabbed my rifle and aimed it steadily on his face, fired the first shot, into the ground; to let him know I was serious, that was then he took me seriously and left.... will never forget that feeling and YES; THIS IS WHY WOMEN CHOOSE THE BEAR <3 @evazubeck


This is not victim-blaming, but should serve as a warning to anyone, male or female, who has an online life. There are real weirdos out there and it’s actually pretty easy to find people in real life in just a few clicks.


Hi Eva, I've been stalked, I used to ride the bus while living in Austin TX, this guy decided once to follow me around the mall, then onto the bus, thankfully the bus driver caught on to what he was doing and kicked him off the bus... but that was just the beginning.. for a year and a half this guy kept finding me on buses and trying to follow me home. All the time I was stern and asked him to leave me alone, but I was "civilized" when I spoke to him. One night I was going home with 3 full bags of groceries and lo and behold he appears out of nowhere at the bus stop, and waits to see what bus I'm taking and gets on. I was able to trick him and got off the bus without him noticing because the bus was full... either way I started running. He realized what I had done and he stopped the bus, got off and started running after me. I crossed a highway and ran as fast as I could, I made it to an apartment building and turned around and yelled at him from the top of my lungs. He was shocked... and I saw fear in his face and he tried to calm me down but when I saw the fear I yelled louder. The apartment building had an enclosed stairwell and I had proped the door open, the echo in the stairwell amplified my voice and everyone could hear me. He kept saying he was following me because he wanted to "apologize" I yelled to him that I didn't care and yelled louder "stop harrasing me, stop following me" I turned around and slammed the door and ran up the stairwell. He didn't follow. I never saw him again. What I learned? Bring the f***ing BEAST out of you onto these people. Don't act civilized towards them, be derranged to the nth power!!!. And yes, also do all the other things people have advised, all of that is great, but bring your beast out.
I love your spirit, stay strong, stay safe! ❤


Make sure that creep didn’t stick an AirTag on your car. Thoroughly check.


The dark side of being a celebrity, even a modest-sized celebrity, is that you attract unstable people. A substantial percentage of the general population is mentally ill, delusionally irrational, violent, etc. That percentage might be 1%, 2%, or even higher. So if you have 1.8 million YouTube subscribers, then at least 18, 000 have psychological and behavioral problems. Most will not focus on you personally, but let's say that 1% of the 18, 000 unstable ones do. That means 180 delusional people are focused on you personally. This is why celebrities have bodyguards, live in walled compounds, carry guns, and only interact with the public in very controlled environments. I hope you stay safe and move forward with your life. It is good that Vilk is with you, as he would fight to protect you.


Dogs and firearms. While you are restricted in the use of the firearms, trained dogs will do an amazing job. Instinctively they bite at main arteries and veins. If they sense you're in danger they will act. Believe me, nobody wants to face 3 or 4 dogs coming out of nowhere
