How much does it WEIGH to study Maths and Physics? [ First Year Advice! ]

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Papa's going to provide you with 6 tips to get through your first semester and/or your whole university life! Enjoy! =D

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“ kinda smart guy”

*1year later

IQ: 145+

Papa got far for a reason


I absolutely despised math until I took a calculus class in highschool, then everything clicked together and I fell in love with it all. Calc made everything make sense on the back end. The first 12 years of schooling in math I received didn’t mean shit until I got to calculus.


PAPA Flammable gets fit carrying is study material


11:40 - 'I for myself learn all those concepts way better if I teach them to someone." Join the club! Probably the best way of knowing whether or not you've grasped a concept is to explain it to somebody else. Years ago I did an MSc in 'Applied Informatics' including coding and scored highest in computer graphics which I'd explained in half-a-dozen different ways to half-a-dozen other people.


Man this is so relatable, I am doing comp sci in uni now but at the start i did not know shit about math and it hit me in the face so hard at the start, it was very overwhelming.

I actually failed all my math units because I had very poor prior knowledge. I didn't even know about sin and cos and basic derivatives and integration like how you did. But after sticking with it and forcing myself to get better I began to really appreciate math.

It was really depressing when I failed (twice) and I was on the verge of quitting and changing courses but I still stuck with it. Now lots of my classmates come to me for math questions/help.

Moral of the story: Don't give up if it gets too hard! If you believe in yourself you'll adapt


Why are you measuring the weight and not the mass ?


It was interesting to hear that mathboi originally screwed high school up, it's inspiring to see someone develop serious mathematical skill in a short time span.


I took calculus 2 equivalent in high school, but when I re took calculus at college I failed miserably. The algebra and trig killed me! Hard to believe papa actually struggled, but you can’t judge a book by its cover.


Nowadays most of materials are available online and electronically, still I have tons of paper notes from my undergraduate degree in cybernetics and robotics.


Looking at those shelves, ya bois also learning Japanese on Rosetta Stone. Quick pink guy to the weeabo protection chamber!!


Starting this September at UCLA as a junior transfer for Applied Maths, thanks for this video papa. Been stressin hard


wow, that's some pretty heavy stuff right there!
seriously though, I appreciate the advice Papa. I'm going to start university for computer science as I enjoyed maths in secondary school and I've had a positive experience with programming so far. looking forward to explore maths like linear algebra and some more advanced calculus, and possibly do some research as well!


I came to watch you knock a tower of folders over and I got an incredibly thoughtful and inspirational video from papa flammy. No wonder this is my favourite channel!


Loved this video! Got me hyped up for the upcoming semester, thanks Papa! Really enjoy math and physics, but I still need to get my grades up and that's the hard part for me.


Thank your for your video, I really think this will help a lot of people, because, in order to persue many years of studying you have to be motivated, otherwise, it will become an unbearable and imposible task to do. Also, I agree with you Flammy, sometimes people forget that they can choose to be happy, and they should everytime they have the chance, because that is what is going to get you to a betteplace and let you grow as a person!


That last tip was good. My Precalculus teacher has been teaching for 25 years at my high school, and he says the same thing. He’s the best teacher I ever had. He also teaches Calculus, and he keeps doing math cause he loves it and so he doesn’t forget it.


definitely one of my favourite videos!


Very good video papa, you should do more videos like this.
The last two tips I found the most important, I don't have any notes of any class, I just go to class and really carefully listen to what the teacher says and when I'm on my "free time" I constantly try to make sense of why any of that works until It "clicks" and that's when I feel like I learned something.


Papa sold out, now he is sharing his skills.

Jkjk love u papa <3
I learned calc 1 and 2 during summer cuz of u


Great vid man!!! It's really helpful <3
