500 Mile Snowmobile Ride

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500 Mile Snowmobile Ride in ONE day. That’s right. We started at 6:30AM and couldn’t believe by 3PM, we were … only … half way. It was a doozie of a day, but a bucket list box that got checked off! Heck yah! The Dynamix on my sled made all the difference! Now, I am wondering, 600 miles next time?
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Levi ……. You have the best demeanor I have ever seen on you tube Your always happy and I love watching all your videos 😊


Our group of six rode 330 miles from Munising, Michigan to the Mackinaw Bridge and back in one day in 2007/2008. Did a few other 300 mile days around Lake Gogebic but the Mackinaw Bridge trip was the most memorable. The photos from that trip are still my screen saver to this day.


Done 375/day on the same trails. Helluva run! We were on Mt. Sophie just two days ago. Good to see you take this on! Good job!!


About a dozen years ago, I decided to possibly set the area leaf springer record for a 24 hour period on groomed with no support crew at all.
I used a 1985 Yamaha Excel III 340 Enticer. I had restored it myself and it was minty. I started at 1 AM in total darkness. I carried a good size backpack and also packed a gallon of gas in a old oil jug on top of the tank for fear the gas stations would not be open for the first several hours.

I took my time and just kept a steady pace. Typically 20 to 25 MPH and only stopped to pee or gas up. I mostly ate energy bars while riding and grabbed coffee when I would gas up and maybe jam a quick donut or a gas station burrito when I could. The key was keeping a steady pace and not stopping unless I had to or to take the occasional pic.
There was fresh grooming about 80 % of the whole way as it was a thursday, and virtually NO other sleds the entire day. ( A realistic guess would be I saw about 20 sleds the ENTIRE way. )
I started south of Hayward WI and rode north intending to hit the big corridor and turn east to Hurley WI. That went well until I hit a roadblock at the Bad River Indian rez. They had closed the trail across the rez and the reroute looked iffy. Instead I turned around and headed west on corridor two and went all the way to Superior WI and allmost into Duluth MN. It got confusing on how to even get across into MN if even possible, so I turned around and back tracked my morning route all the way back to Hayward. I then continued south to Spooner WI and turned around at Mcdonalds after grabbin a quarter pounder !
Then I went back north towards Hayward and looped around the small lakes near my house till I just couldnt hardly focus any more. It was allmost midnight. So, I had been riding for around 23 hours with only small and quick breaks when needed.

The odometer read 421 miles when I pulled up to my garage and it was about 25 minutes past midnight. Needless to say, it took two days for my body and head to return to normal.
So, a 340 leafer, with about 6 inches of suspension in the back and 5 inches in the front, 421 miles in 23 and a half hours, solo, no support at all, not a single issue the entire way. ( No surprise since it was a late model 340 Enticer ) 😀
I was a very active member of the vintage sled world back then and asked for years if anybody had topped that. Never did run across anybody who topped it, solo, on a leafer with no support at all.
Admittedly, it was pure luck I had fantastic grooming most all the way. I couldnt have done those miles otherwise.


Best day 403 miles in the Upper on a Saturday with beat up trails, 38 avg speed, 15 hs 32 mins total time, 10hrs 42 mins moving in 2019. This year 302 miles during the week, 8 hrs 17 mins moving, 36 avg speed. Hopefully next year I make a 500 mile rip.
Great job with your videos, always a pleasure to watch.👍


We rode over 300 miles once... up at Lake of the Woods. We had great snow conditions, so the miles weren't as difficult as what you went through here. Congratulations.


I've done 500 miles twice. Both times in Grand Maris Mi. First time we did it 11 hours, the second time 15 hours. Long days but alot of fun.


I did 240 one time never been so happy to see the truck before in my life could barley move but your definitely in better shape then I am haha


That’s awesome way to showcase Minnesota trails that was a killer ride


Way to Tough-It-Out Levi .. Great ride Fer-Sher .. Keep pushin' on brother..Peace from Creel Chihuahua, Mexico ..


We ride at 7AM and often have 200 miles by lunch. By 5pm we are at 350 and done for the day. We don't ride after dark because its a courtesy to allow groomer operators to flatten the trails and allow the snow to set up for the next morning without destroying all the work they put into the trails. Not to mention the amount of moose and deer on the trails at night. State of Maine. LOVE big mile days!


A ride during the week from Hurley, WI to Pembine, WI (mostly trail 2 through the U.P.) and back to Hurley would put you in the ballpark of 500 miles. Depending on gas, food and a legal stop at every driveway to some old cabin could be done in 9-11 hours. I have to dig up an old early 90's "Snowmobile" magazine I have. There's an article about this crew that made a 600 mile run from somewhere around Eagle River, WI to Copper Harbor, MI and back in 24 hours.


And then they have this REALLY crazy race up north a bit, IRON freaking DOG - wow, 2500 two five hundred snowmobile miles - in AK, wow. Of course they do all that in one week. Great job to do the 500 mile journey - cool stuff.


That’s crazy miles for USA. In Canada you’d have had a steak dinner at 5pm!


Levi you are da man! The North Shore is awesome!


No way! Lol The most I've done is 240 miles and that was a long day! In Vermont! I'd imagine up in Canada it did be more achievable. Congratulations!


Another great video Levi. Some more snow on trails would of made it a bit better
Search 3 old guys on snowmobiles. From Minnesota to Alaska one year. Recently the road from Minnesota to Newfoundland. These guys I believe in their 70’s Averaging over 200 miles per day pulling supplies on sleds


I did 500 miles this winter in under 12 hours in Maine. 42.6 mph average on a 2011 Ski Doo 600 ACE. 3 gas stops and a top speed of 68mph.


That's my buddy Chad... the legend of Chad. I've done some 300+ mile days with him but haven't been with for any of his three 500+ mile days that I know of. Tried to do it up in the UP the weekend after you guys did your 500 but wrecked bad 425 miles in and 90+ miles from the hotel and trucks. Had to pay for a haul back to the hotel. Was pretty disappointed we weren't able to finish but thankful nobody was hurt on the crash. Will get the 500 at least once next season. Let me know when you're ready to do the 600... Two Harbors to I-Falls and back with a couple short detours should do it.


That looked like some rough conditions. I'm guessing your hyfax was pretty wore down. And carbides!
