MY 6 or 7 Top LANDSCAPE photography TIPS

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MY 6 or 7 Top LANDSCAPE photography TIPS

The following list of gear is by no means conclusive and varies depending on the outing that I'm on. The links that follow each of the items are affiliate links that will take you to Amazon or subsequent supplier who I am affiliated with. As an affiliate I make a small 3% - 8% commission for any item purchased.

Vlogging Gear

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My apologies video is a little long and could have been shortened quite a bit. In a nutshell, my tips include
1: slowing down
2: get to know your subject
3: stop fussing over gear and processing
4: keep an open mind and keep your options open
5: concentrate on the light
6: look towards other artists for ideas and inspiration.


Thanks, Adam. I needed this. Slow down. Watch the light. Look at the works of others. Deep breath. Do it again.


I usually hate this click bait, millennial type of BS YouTube video... but this is Adam Gibbs, and the man is a bloody legend. Loved the tips, they were well thought out and accompanied by stunning images. PS, You are due another wee episode on ‘light.’ Hated the sunnies at the start, but strangely missed them when you took them off 😜


Maybe the best photography "top tips" video on YouTube. So well described.


I've done it again. A dull cloudy day, started raining earlier so I'll stay in and watch Youtube photography videos, but as I look out the window there is gorgeous evening light catching some nice clouds and I should have been out there. Your tip no. 7 should be to stop watching videos and get out whatever the weather!


Your own photographs are the best vindication of your tips. Wonderful images.


I’m that sad guy that spends my working day on a computer yet, upon getting home, immediately open my editing software . . . . . . . every single day. It makes me happy 🙂


Having overdosed on Youtube videos and confused myself, this was like that shaft of light in a forest illuminating a subject. Thanks Adam as it has helped me see the wood from the trees.


Man am I glad I found your channel. One of the best I have seen on YouTube. Excellent work.


Amazing images, sir. Regarding the popular (among photography vloggers) slogan "gear doesn't matter", you already answered why gear actually can and does matter. Like you say, it gives you more options. Even if you don't plan to print your photos on a life-size scale, there are plenty of other reasons to choose a full-frame professional camera over an APS-C or other. Proper weather-sealing, a rugged body, lower ISO, higher dynamic range, etc., etc. These are all options that can give you just that bit extra when out in the field. Sure a good photographer can shoot great images on any camera, but he or she will shoot even better ones on a professional camera.


Not boring tips at all - took me years to learn to slow down, very fundamental but often overlooked. It also took me years to look in the opposite direction to what I was shooting - often getting the best shot of the day there.


I love when you're by yourself🌹 you make everything so magical 🏕you take photography to a whole other level🌬🌱🐛🐢🌏 though I have truly enjoyed you hanging out with everyone else 🌬🕯🌊you guys are funny🕊😎🕊 your life has been incredible Adam and I'm so proud of you And the trails that you have walked &the mountains you have climbed hard to put into words but your photographs say everything of your life 🌾🌾🌾 happy trails you're the real deal


I am new into landscape photography. And i watch a lot of videos related to landscape photography from a lot of talented photographers, to learn. But this has been one of the most useful and educational videos.


Even if this was a video of all these wonderful images on a slideshow.. it would've been amazing.. tips are the cherry on top...


Your work and videos are excellent. As an engineer I know why I like gear. Artistry comes harder. Your advice to take time and observe is spot on, of course. I like your channel a lot.


Just GREAT advices repeated and substantiated. Honest and experienced. So true. Thank you.


I thought this was excellent video, so thanks for posting. Lot of your tips are ones many of us already know, but don’t use when were out taking images. We get so caught up sometimes in the moment that we forget to concentrate on what makes dynamic images. Like your tip on really studying the light is something I don’t do nearly enough and will start working on in the future. I also like your tip about gear, so many get caught up thinking they have to have best gear to make great photo’s when nothing is future from the truth. Great images are created by the person behind the camera, not the camera itself. I recently switched to the Nikon Z system and couldn’t be happier, with just the kit 24-70mm f/4 S and 14-30mm f/4 S and my F mount 70-200mm f/4 lens I got everything covered that I need in focal length in a package now that weighs about half what it did with my D850 and F mounts lenses. Love your videos, watch all of them I can, keep them coming Adam.


Great video Adam, awesome image examples! Man those quick forest motion controlled timelapses in the beginning were just incredible.


Helpful tips all! Especially liked your comments on camera gear acquisition syndrome. I have noticed time and again that folks who are disappointed with their images tend to blame it on their equipment. When they ask me for assistance with their camera gear I find that they literally have no idea what the camera is doing on its own, what it is telling them about the photo they are composing, or how to relate to and act upon that information. A year or so ago a young lady came to me after purchasing a Cannon 7D Mark II. Having used the camera for several months she was terribly disappointed with her results. She was, in fact, convinced that there was "something wrong" with the camera and was considering bringing it back for a refund. Unfamiliar with the camera I suggested she leave it with me for a week or two so I could check it out. Long story short there was nothing whatever wrong with the camera. In fact I loved using it and managed to create some pretty stunning images with it. So what was the problem? Never having taken the time to read the manual and with no idea whatsoever as to what various setting meant she had managed to select a total mishmash of settings that virtually guaranteed her images would be rubbish. Learning to use your camera, becoming familiar with its myriad options, and setting it up to best accommodate your style and image goals is far more likely to result in good images than rushing out to buy the latest gear.


Great tips Adam and the images throughout were an absolute feast for the eyes. Wonderful.
