Some recent results on adjoint QCD_2 | Silviu Pufu (Princeton)

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Strongly interacting Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is an important subject with applications to various physical systems. In particular, the strong nuclear force is described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), a Yang-Mills theory that is asymptotically free but becomes strongly coupled at long distances, where quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking are believed to take place. While these properties have not been established analytically, they are strongly supported by experiments and numerical studies of lattice regularizations of QCD. In recent years, Lattice Gauge Theory has undergone rapid development and has become a precision tool thanks to improved algorithms, theoretical insights, and growing numerical power. This conference will stimulate the interplay between the lattice and continuum approaches to QFT, with a view towards various physical applications. Topics will include Euclidean and Hamiltonian approaches to lattice field theory and their symmetries, as well as their emerging connections with quantum simulation and computation. String-theoretic approaches to confining flux tubes, dynamics in Minkowski spacetime, lower-dimensional models for QCD, as well as the interplay of all of these topics with recent formal QFT developments like generalized symmetries, will be active topics of discussion.

Co-sponsored by the Simons Collaboration on Confinement and QCD Strings.

Coordinators: Aleksey Cherman, Lance Dixon, and Igor Klebanov


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