5 Most Famous REWILDING Projects in the WORLD

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5 of the best known rewilding projects in the world! Come see how putting nature back at the wheel has given hope to conservationists and wildlife lovers around the world!

#megafauna #naturerestoration #rewildingmegafauna #rewildingeurope #rewildingbritain #rewildingamerica #pleistocenerewilding #rewildingpatagonia

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Hey guys, just to clarify, Jaguars were reintroduced to the Iberà Wetlands and that's where capybara and caiman are found also. The Tompkins rewilded land in Iberà as well as Patagonia 😊


Great, even more reasons why I need to get to Patagonia. Thanks 😂


Thank you so much for this great report! Rewilding is the most inspirational and uplifting thing we humans have come up with lately. Imagine that, stepping away and giving room...how out of character :D

Now I´m sitting here, trying to make my brain get a grasp on how much 4 million hectares is...


Greetings and thanks for episode 😁


Thank you so much great channel and wonderful to hear the Native Irish voice 😄😄.


Isn't funny everyone talk's about reintroduction cute prey and cute little predator's but big predator's what is needed is still questioned ironic ain't it


6:21 to bad they can't just reintroduce large predators like wolves to that area


Love your vids. Some things to note: Caimans, Capybara, and Marsh Deer are not native to Patagonia (perhaps this is being confused with the Pamapas or Pantanal to the warmer north). Additionally the Pleistocene Park has never stated any official intentions to introduce Tigers or Mammoths to the park. The logistics of housing these animals would be far beyond their abilities, as they are actually a rather small, mostly family operation.


The wild bacterial camel species still roams free across the gobi spectate from the tamed bacterial camel species, so a Siberian rewinding makes sense.


I have 15 acres of ash woodland affected by dieback, and I desperately want to transform it into a rewilding project—a space for the local community to get involved, hold ecology classes, plant orchards, and create ponds and habitats. The problem is, I have no money and no idea how to make this happen. In an ideal world, I would quit my job and dedicate my life to this project, but I don't know how to turn this dream into a reality.


Sorry bur there's a mistake about thw rewilding of patagonia, jaguars, capybaras and alligators, have never been there, yoy got confused with ibera's rewilding project


In order to have a ecosystem you need Carnivores, corridors so they herbivores can move around without over grazing, and keystone species that act as a eco engineer of sorts, pooping and spreading seeds and pushing over trees.


For Pleistocene park, why would they introduce American bison when they’re not native to Europe, at least the horses and cattle fill the niches of aurochs and Eurasian wild horses? Just genuinely curious 🙂.


"Oostvaardersplassen", This literally means 'East (sea)farers puddles'. 'Oo' in Dutch is pronounced as the 'oa' in toast, not the 'ooh' as in tool.


Carcasses, not caracasses. There's no extra a.


There was no need to show nature by showing a helpless animal being killed by another animal. Almost 100% of nature doesn't involve deliberate terror and pain so you could have shown nature without showing violence and suffering. I hate cruelty, and saying that it's not cruelty, because it's nature, doesn't make it less cruel. The justification isn't even logical. It's in men's natures to rape and kill (you can blame evolution). That most men don't rape and kill is because of human-directed socialization and laws - not because of nature. Scientists would say that without predators the world would be overrun by herbivores. Science has almost figured out how to prevent death by the manipulation of DNA. No death but chosen death is coming because humans want not to die more than they want anything else on Earth. If science is that good at finding solutions that could never be envisioned even 50 years ago, then science will find a solution to too many herbivores that doesn't use cruelty. In fact, it already has with lab-grown meat which will put an end to cruel factory farming.
What the world needs is not aggressive animals (including men), but peaceful animals like herbivores. A common symbol of gentleness is a lamb. Even Jesus was called the Lamb of God, not the Tiger of God.


Methane is absorbs 30 times more than co2, not 80. but also its concentration is much much less. So even a tripling won’t do more than adding a bit of co2. Get your science straight


So, with regards to Pleistocene Park, if you watch their videos here on YT (or anywhere), you won’t see them EVER featuring any carnivores, let alone discuss them or MENTION predation as part of a natural, healthy ecosystem. At all. Ever. It ends up looking like a personal fantasy-farm, with a "special focus" on permafrost thawing (and digging up exposed fossils for $$$). Charge some admission, and it’s called Pleistocene Park.

And, sure, on all the videos, the creators brag about what they’re "doing", in a very unprofessional and "rugged" manner…I know, it’s a hard job, and they’re dedicated. But they don’t present themselves too incredibly.. then they talk about how they’re restoring the Siberian ground, the permafrost needs to be kept cold, and how important hoofed animals are to that process by simply grazing and stomping with their hooves. I get that. But herbivores are naturally going to attract what…? Carnivores! Ding ding ding! 😂 can’t keep those herds in-check with only human hunters, who pay to hunt the property, most likely. ‘Cause that’s what it ends up looking like, a paid Siberian hunting ranch, with an animal collection loosely based off of mammoth steppe species. But does anyone really want to hunt bactrian camels, Jacob sheep, or ponies…? lol. I dunno.

It’s kinda weird… NO talk about how these animals will be controlled naturally, even though these guys are supposedly "restoring" the land. All those herds of muskox, imported American bison (why not European bison?), various ponies/horses, camels, moose, reindeer, and so many hoofed animals… they don’t even mention whether or not any of the local wild wolves, bears, or lynx are drawn to the property, or allowed to prey on them from time to time. Is the property fully secured or is it a truly wild area, being restored? I imagine there is some perimeter, but wolves surely can find a way in. Brown bears are smart. Lynx are stealthy. And some of the intelligent Mustelidae and canids, like foxes, can surely find calves and newborn fawns to pick off. Might be helpful to include the surrounding wild lands in the project, you know? If you’re gonna restore the land, you can’t just have a “mammoth-steppe fantasy farm” of your dreams and call it “Pleistocene Park”.
