Haunted Hyundai...is BACK?! - Part 3 (P0507-Idle Too High...After Repairs?)

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You can't make this stuff up...

After the GDI injector replacement, the 2016 Santa Fe runs smoothly once again.
However, after the test drive one code is pending: P0507- Idle RPM Too High
.....what the heck?

Nothing left to do but diagnose this P0507 trouble code.
Did I miss something during engine reassembly?


Enjoy the frustration! xD
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I have a 2012 hyundai santa fe with the 3.5L V6 and carbon buildup on the throttle body is a known issue. Shortly after we bought the car we were sent a TSB about it, the dealer updated the ECU software. Now every time we shut off the car you can hear the throttle cycling a handful of times. The dealer where we bought the car keeps trying to get us in for an "air intake cleaning" service for $280. Once a year I take the air box off and use some throttle body cleaner to clean the deposits around the throttle plate.
Most of the issues I've had with the car have been due to 1) the engine oil pressure switch which are prone to leaking and sit under the intake and 2) the oil filter housing which sprung a leak last year. Despite my biases regarding hyundai quality we've had a an uneventful 9 years of ownership despite it being my wife's daily driver and cold Alberta winters.


D'you know what I love the most? Hearing "That's interesting" when most of us would be saying "WTF is going on here??!"


High idle? It is a Hyundai! Just be grateful it runs


My 99 Honda Accord V6 throttle body had a special molybdenum adhesive coating applied in a ring around the bore, where the butterfly valve comes into contact with it. I accidentally cleaned it off with carb cleaner and a superfine grit grey scotch brite thinking it was carbon buildup. My idle was then surging repeatedly up and down about once per second, but replacing the IAC valve fixed that so I must've ruined it by letting a lot of carb cleaner soak it. I tried taking the IAC apart and drying it out but no luck. Replacing with an intermotor brand one worked. I ended up buying a moly coating that cures and dries like paint and carefully painting it back on with a fine artists brush and let it dry overnight. It's worked great for years since then.


Ivan, the best part is you got it shipped down the road. Bet we're all gonna go out and buy one now! See you at the dealership. Thanks for Sharing!


Great repair! I can see you you would run out of patience on something like this - it truly is a test of I'm helping a friend with a old car now, and every time we ride in it, he finds another issue. Difference is, it's a car from the 50's!


I was once taught by a mechanic to never clean the throttle body directly with cleaner. Spray some on a rag and wipe. By spraying directly, you cleaned out any lubricant that is at the pivot points, causing it to bind. Also possible that someone once took the buttrfly out and now it's not centered on the shaft. Loosen the screws a bit and cycle the butterfly, then tighten again. Not sure what to use as lubricant on the shaft ends.


Disappointed to see Ivan scraping the inside of the TB with a pick and smashing the butterfly open and closed rather than actually finding the cause of the binding. Seems like frustration got the better of his on this job, but we've all been there.


You got a good brain joined with a first rate disposition like all the very good mechanics on Youtube like Wes, Eric O, Mustie 1, Scanner Danner, and the rest.
Havin one aint no good without the other. Keep up the good work and great videos.


Just finished all three installments back to back. You just know that's gonna be back. I'll bet on another injector failing 😁 The smoke levels in episode 2 made me giggle. Really admire your levels of patience!


A few years ago I bought a 2006 elantra with the 2.0 engine, I fixed what was needed and sold it to my friends girlfriend who was going through bankruptcy and needed a car because her 07 Sante fe was repossessed, I only charged her the original price and only for parts I had installed which included a new radiator all new front wheel studs and nuts because they were on so tight that most of them broke off when I had to replace the front rotors, the pads were new, all told I put about 500 into it and sold it to her for 2, 500. She paid me back a little at a time and when she found a good job, she was an accountant but was bad with managing her money, she eventually bought a 2017 Sante fe and gave me the elantra To sell for her, a neighbor of mine bought it then his father passed away and he sold it and took his father's car, that car was driven from NJ to Maryland, from Maryland to Ohio back to Jersey and to Maryland a few more times with zero issues, she even got a speeding ticket for doing almost 90, did I mention that the car had 199, 000 miles on it when I bought it? What happened to Hyundai since, that 2 litre engine was great and the car was fun to drive, the only thing wrong with it was that the insurance was double what it was for any comparable make and model, I to this day don't know why and nobody had an answer for why, I tried several insurance companies and they didn't know either, that car is still running today six years after I bought it, my neighbors nephew is a mechanic and he used to work for Hyundai, he came over to inspect and gave it his seal of approval, the only thing he reccommended was doing the timing belt because we didn't know when and if it was ever done, he did it at the shop he works at now for the price of parts only.


Ivan, great series. IF this boomerang comes around again and needs a throttle body, I'd slap on that reman Cardone throttle body from Rockauto (around $110 plus shipping and core charge), ensure no codes, reduce your written warranty to 90 days for this specific repair and ship it back to the owner with instructions to sell that nightmare ASAP!


Great repair and NPR the best repairs. The more I see these direct injected engines give trouble at relatively low miles the more I'm not interested in owning something with that technology just to get improved gas milage. I suppose the manufacturers are forced to use these high maintenance technologies very high fuel pressures and carbon fouling of valves to conform to strict emission and efficiency requirements. Your spot on with your negative observations working on these late model money pits.


Thank you so much for reminding me why I stick with my 22 yo GM 3800 series II (L67)!


Hi Ivan,
You've put some serious time into this car. Hope it stays repaired. At least you have warned the owner of the throttle body problem. You and your family stay safe.


Great series on this one with an unexpected ending after fixing the original issue.


“Stupid Hyundai “” as he thumb punches the hell out of the throttle body 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


i got a p0101 code on my mazda 3 2010 right after i replaced the radiator fan assembly, fairly easy job but i tough that maybe a crack the intake manifold or created a vacuum leak on the seals, or maybe a purge valve leak, it end up been a dirty throttle body, but after cleaning it i got a god damn p0507, i drove the car for a week but still the same, the way i fixed it was disconecting the battery for 30 minutes, plug it back, start the car and let it idle for 20 to 30 minutes in park and after that 15 to 20 minutes in D, now my idle is perfect, it seems the Mazda 3 2010 had an issue correcting the TB idle after cleaning.


Oops Ivan this car got u naked....Love it.
On a more serious tone, This car diag series is one of the best I have ever seen.
Much appreciation for ur patience and courage, Thank u.


And once again Ivan the Master resolves the issue - no parts required!
