Amazon KDP Terminates Your Account for THIS...

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Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is NOT playing around and have actively suspended and terminated account holders based on guidelines and rules broken. Getting your KDP account closed - whether temporarily or indefinitely - is rather easy especially if you aren't aware of the fine print in their terms and conditions. Safe guard your business when you follow my real world examples of what NOT to do.

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🍌🌮What violations did I miss? Have you made any of these mistakes? If so, how did you resolve them?


Just self published my first children's book on Amazon- glad that I didn't violate any of these. Crossing my fingers that my print copy looks okay and that nobody complains about it 🤞


Dude, awesome tips! And a huge tip on not having more than one account...that's something many are probably not aware of.


And here, in my naivety, I thought indie authors spent most of their time just writing great, polished books and putting them online. Some of the techniques you describe are ones I've encountered (as a reader) and they really sour readers' opinions on taking a risk with buying a book from an unknown name.


Hi Dale, your video seems very honest and I thank you for that. Thank you for disclosing your past mistakes. Cheers.


I appreciate all the 'heads-up' for the mistakes folks can make.
I have purchased books that had almost the exact same content, but different covers and 'authors' that I am pretty sure that were those 'purchased content' subscriptions from a primary source. I was pretty torqued off that I was purchasing the same content under the guise of a different book and author.


This was so informative. I had no idea that KDP was terminated pages for this. Wow. Great video Dale. Thank you for posting this video.


Self-editing is painful, awful, stressful, time-consuming, but... 1.) You'll make people happy showing you can produce quality, legible material 2.) Reviews will reflect better ratings 3.) You will get better at editing for future works 4.) You will be proud of the time and effort you have put into your masterpiece.


I want to publish to KDP and already live in the state of Washington. But their rules are so scary sometimes.


The other mistake I've seen people make - asking other people to go into their KDP account (e.g. a virtual assistant, cover designer, etc.) and upload the book for them, manage their account, etc.

However this is against the rules as well (although done by people who don't realise, and looking for someone to help them).

Plus if the person doing the helping also has their own KDP account, theres a risk KDP algorithms will detect and believe both accounts are the same person, and suspend both people's KDP accounts!


😂😂 4:04 one big nasty monster funny 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for another helpful video! I don't think there's a need to worry if you're always doing the right thing.


I wish there was a form we can fill out when submitting our book to be published where we can give the info on the permissions we have acquired for the cover graphics.
I've had books that were live, and then sometime later the KDP robot deemed that I was using graphics w/o permission. I have all the necessary info on my copyright page, but of course the bot doesn't read my copyright page. A week after my response to their email I get an email that says they were in error. And now I have to republish the book.
This has happened numerous times, and recently my entire account was suspended.
IMHO -- this scrutiny should happen BEFORE the book goes live. Or at least give us 24 hours to prove they are in error before shutting it down.
And btw-- thanks Dale for your transparency and for always getting to the point in a concise but easy to understand manner.


Oops, I accidentally have 2 accounts. Except that one of them is on my name, while the other is on my company's name. I wonder if KDP would have a problem with that? My personal account was opened before CreateSpace actually merged with Amazon (they had bought it, but hadn't yet incorporated it into their operations), and I used it to test CS to see if it would be suitable, and if they would be trustworthy. I published a test book (a short autobiography) to see how things worked, and asked some of my relatives to buy copies, only to test CS's honesty. It was a controlled test, so that I would know exactly how many copies were sold, and so see if CS honestly reported the sales. They passed the test. So my actual books were published on my company account. Haven't published anything on my personal account since then.


I've had my account for over a decade and recently, I was prompted to login when I was going to the ACX platform. I have all my login stuff saved but I know sometimes you have to login again at times, so I didn't think much of it. Then when it logged me in, instead of going to acx, or even my bookshelf, like normal, it took me to the screen where you put in your bank info, name, address, etc. I even starting to fill it in, thinking there must be some new reason Amazon came up with that required the info to be added again. (keep in mind, I did not follow a link other than the one prompted from, I'm pretty sure, was ACX, so this wasn't phishing). I stopped myself because I had heard about people losing accounts when they made new accounts. Some said they didn't realize they had. Now I think that's how this happened. I've had it happen a couple of more times since. I wish I could remember exactly what prompted that new account info form to pop up, but if anyone who already has an account sees it, DO NOT FILL IT IN! It will set up a new account for you, which will then get you kicked off Amazon.


Hello Dale, great content and I quickly subscribed

I have a question. Can husband and wife have their own kdp accounts but on the same computer ?


Because you can only link one paperback book to Kindle, I've had to do a separate series for the Large Print Edition. Most have been fine (6/8), but 2 of them got snagged in the algorithm and I had to contact support.


I'm new to Amazon KDP with the sole purpose of making low content books for note taking, with some trendy covers. I had about 6 books published, no sales. All the sudden, my account was just closed with no warning or explanation.... Wth!???? I'm hoping to hear something, so I may rectify whatever I may have done. How terrible


Okay, I've got a question. And I'm going to subscribe just in case you answer it. I have a book on KDP in EBook, paperback, and hardcover form. I focus most on the paperback. The book is 545 pages. To get a royalty of $4.75 I have to list it for $22.95. Is that a usual price for a book this size (6X9)?


Hello Dale! This probably isn't the right kind of video to ask this question, but I hope you can help because I have been searching all over the Internet for answers. So one of my grandpa's friends is designing the cover of my new book, but the thing is, I'm not sure if I have to ask her for permission to mention her in the copyright page of the book and add her as a contributor to my book on KDP. Is it a legal requirement to do so? Will Amazon terminate my account if I don't mention the cover designer for my book? Do YOU mention people who design your book covers as well? I have so many questions. But I'm hoping you can help.
