Dog with chronic ear infection- Canesten not working. 3 steps to treat infection at home

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My dog and cat used to get ear infections all the time. One day a new vet suggested I feed them grain free food and we haven’t had any issues since. That was nearly seven years ago.


Tula is definitely going to dog heaven. Thank you Doc. And Tula for all your efforts. 🙏😊


My poor Bichon, Polly has suffered so much with ear infections but since I did the ACV green tea treatment she is much better, now when she starts having problems I wipe them with the solution and it stops the flare up. Thanks to you. Btw you're still brilliant!!!


I’m going to try this- yet another ear infection- the vet charges £49 minimum usually double that figure! The drops from the vet doesn’t work even the stuff that is supposed to be a one of monthly thing they put in his ears - I feel it’s extortion here in the Uk - vet’s pricing is crucifying my finances yet I love my dogs and want them healthy and well. Look online at prices and then compare them to what your vet charges- I know they run a business but I also have to make ends meet and balance the books! Nothing to lose by trying a more natural and economical route .Thankyou for swimming against the current and showing us that there are other ways to help our pets .


We are blessed to have your advice
You're the best Doctor ❤


I'm in England, here we have Canesten 1% or 2%. My dog had recurring yeast infections in one ear for over a year, vet prescribed Canural which worked well but expensive and wasn't stopping the recurrance. I did some research and used Canesten 2% and Hydrocortisone 1% cream which I mixed with organic Flax seed oil as a carrier to get it runny enough to squirt generously into the ear canal. This worked in 4 days, it's never come back. I had tried the green tea, ACV and everything else mentioned which did not work for us. We are still battling one yeast outbreak between the toes of a hind foot which came from scratching the ear, it is stubborn to put it mildly. Best thing I've found is veterinary scrub, soak the paw in diluted solution every 2 days, then apply Canesten.


God Bless you! I'm 71 and a little tight in the budget. I can do the thing's you teach. My pets are happy and healthy. Thank you so very much. Much Love


You are just the best holistic vet, wish more vets and Dr.s thought like you, you are just the greatest and I refer everyone to you ❤


Thank you! I've been dealing with this problem off and on for at least 6 months. This has been LITERALLY THE BEST THING THAT I HAVE DONE!
Doc you are the best! Thank you again for all the tips and suggestions to help us out❤


Glad you brought this condition up ! I bought Canesten put in my dogs ear he work me up in the night his ear was burning hot much worse ! I got peas out of the fridge and wrapped in a towel he was distressed !!his ear looked a mess ! I got cotton wool and cleaned it all out ! Scary ! 💕


Thank You!!! I have 3 basenjis been going to same vets for years .. and they now won’t even consider anything unless I make appointments - I had an appt for the three stooges next Wednesday because They are all coughing (been in daycare for a week while I was out of town)..ugh.. 1800 and my dogs started coughing about three days after they got home (daughters dog got kennel cough at daycare a few weeks prior 😢… your cough medicine did the trick .. gave to all three of them today will only be 2 doses as they e really almost stopped coughing now!!! You are a total blessing and I so appreciate your content - I am sharing your clips like crazy .. tomorrow morning I think Inwill be canceling those appointments for them on Wednesday!!!


Sweet Tula is such a good patient . Love her! Thank you for this wonderful info. I’m going to try this on my sweet 11 year old poodle mix today


Tula is such a good girl! Love your videos doctor ❤


You are so appreciated and awesome!!! Thank you for sharing


Your huge help to Dog lovers with little $. Thank you so much. Best no BS Vet on inter web…Have great Day Doc.


Dogs r so good! Got my first dog last year n fell in love with all dogs


Thanks for the insights. I'm on week 2 of the green tea flush and yeast infection cream treatment, with a labradoodle, and am very happy. The black slime is drier and less of it. I'm only able to do it once a day and on weekdays, but will continue until its clear. 😊


Thank you so much! We all deeply appreciate your critical information.


Gracias por tan bonita labor 💛💚💙🩵 por enseñarnos a cuidar mejor a estos hermosos seres de luz gracias 😊🙋‍♀️


Bless you for posting these remedies. May you always be blessed for your good heart.
