Network Interception Using BiDirectional APIs In Selenium 4📡| LambdaTest | Part VIII

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Watch this video to learn about network interception using bidirectional APIs in Selenium 4, including mock backends, performing basic authentication, and capturing HTTP traffic.

This video talks about the following👇🏻
🔸 How to handle Basic Authentication in Selenium 4?
Browser authentication is used by some applications to secure pages. You can use Selenium to automate the basic authentication credentials whenever they appear.
🔸 What is a Black Hole Pattern?
On every page of a modern website, there is a lot of third-party content, such as social networking buttons, images from CDNs, analytics, etc. All of these factors can destabilize our tests at any time. All HTTP requests to third-party websites are blocked by Black Hole Proxy as if they were sucked into a black hole.
🔸 Capture HTTP Requests
🔸 What are web sockets in Selenium 4?
The traditional WebDriver model of strict request/response commands will be supplemented by the ability to stream events from the user agent to the controlling software via WebSockets, better matching the event-driven nature of the browser DOM.

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0:00 Introduction
2:07 Course Modules
5:28 Basic Authentication in CDP Selenium 4
8:22 How to intercept the Network Traffic using BiDirectional APIs?
11:01 What is a Black Hole Pattern?
16:54 What do you mean by Mock API Calls?
24:05 How to capture HTTP traffic in Selenium 4?
28:34 How to serve requests from cache?
31:56 What are Web Sockets?
34:17 What are Event Source Messages in web sockets?
38:18 Next- Capturing Performance Metrics using CDP
38:46 Conclusion

📌Also, learn📃
📍 How does Selenium WebDriver capture network traffic?
📍 How do I find network response in selenium?
📍 What is API in Selenium?




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#selenium4 #bidirectionalapi #networkinterception #cdp #testing #bidi #devtools #seleniumtesting #selenium4features

This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to © 2022 LambdaTest. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.
Рекомендации по теме

This is insane 👀 being able to mock API calls for functional tests is super powerful if appropriately used 👏 Do you have a more detailed video on the CDP and its features in Selenium 4?


Thanks for sharing this informative video, Anton! I loved it! Can you add a detailed video about test results reports and reporting?
Also, I think it might be invaluable if you add more advanced videos about how to write test automation frameworks from scratch. I have been following you for a long time. I watched all of your JUnit videos on the channel, and they are fantastic since there are so detailed. These videos really help! However, I would appreciate step-by-step video guides to look into designing a framework and integrating the knowledge from many of those videos. Can you add such videos please? I think many more senior people like myself will appreciate it.


Valuable video, precise explanation🤗 I would like to know how to export the code in the Selenium IDE. Please share a related video for the same if you have any on your channel. Thank you!


Thanks for sharing this informative video. I loved it! Can you explain how to emulate geolocation using CDP in Selenium 4?


Thanks for a nice session on CDP Anton!
I had a quick query on the "captureHttpTrafficTest" where you are storing the responses in an ArrayList. I only get a null for capturedResponse when running this identical code. Could you please point out what could I be doing wrong?
I am using JDK 17 + Selenium 4.13.0. I had even tried going back to 4.11.0 but that did not work too.

Thanks again for a nice explanation.


Great video! Very insightful 🙌 Do you have more such tutorials in Cypress?


Can't make this work in Python, are there any resources that could help with that? Many thanks. Provided examples on selenium dev do not cover networking with cdp at all.
