Jesus, Faith & Antennas: A Journey of Discovery and Innovation

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Join me on an unforgettable adventure where faith, science, and curiosity intersect! What started as a simple evening with my radio became a profound journey of discovery. In my book Jesus, Faith & Antennas, I explore how two radios from different worlds and times can come together with a touch of ingenuity. Each chapter reveals new challenges and breakthroughs, from antenna modeling to phase-fed dipoles and pushing the limits of signal power. Whether you're a seasoned ham radio operator or just starting, this journey will reignite your passion for the airwaves. Let’s push the boundaries together!

#HamRadio #AntennaModeling #AirwaveInnovation #FaithAndScience #HamCommunity #RadioDiscovery #SignalPower #CuriosityUnites #JesusFaithAntennas #AntennaDesign #RadioExperiments #PhaseFedDipoles
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