AdS3 correlation functions from integrability (Alessandro Sfondrini)

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'AdS3 correlation functions from integrability' by Alessandro Sfondrini (Padova U.)

Abstract: Computing non-protected observables in AdS/CFT in presence of RR background fluxes is notoriously hard. For the spectrum of integrable backgrounds, the mirror TBA / QSC provide a framework for doing so. For correlation functions, the hexagon formalism is a promising approach but was only developed for AdS5xS5. Here we show how it can be generalised to AdS3xS3xT4 backgrounds which can be supported by a mixture of RR and NSNS fluxes. This provides a new playground for understanding these backgrounds and, when focusing on the pure-NSNS limit, an important benchmark for the hexagon formalism since in that limit alternative worldsheet CFT techniques become available.

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