MASSIVE Attack On Sevastopol Port, SERIOUS Blow To Russia | Breaking News With The Enforcer

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A massive attack on Sevastopol is occurring with massive explosions being spotted across the city. Ukrainian missile attacks appear to be targeting Critical infrastructure and military equipment around the city in an attempt to knock the key city completely out of the war. Meanwhile air raid sirens are sounding in Novorossiysk. The Russians bombed their own city again today, a bomb falling off an SU-34 and landing just outside of Belgorod. Many major airlines are cancelling their flights into Lebanon, and Finland is allowing US forces into 12 Military bases inside their country.

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One day Russia will realise the value of respecting neighbours. Trade is better. The economy is better. Security is better. Life is better. But not under Putin and his fellows.


I have a vision of Xi laughing his head off at Russias incompetence and rubbing his hands together thinking when he invades Russia it will be a walk in the park 😂😂😂😂😂


When the Allies began to overwhelm the german forces, the UK & USA began doing “Daylight raids” which was incredibly demoralizing to enemy forces, because they knew now that nothing was left to protect them. A great example of this being a clear sign of a turning point was the fact nothing ever stopped the daylight raids from the mosquito. History sure does repeat huh? LSA!


The bombs are not falling off the pylons. The issue is with defective wing glide kits. Often times the wing charges don't deploy or wings get detached. This leads to a rapid conversion of the bomb from the gliding type to a dumb bomb.


Balaclava. I believe that is where the Charge of the Light Brigade took place in Tennyson's poem. Cannons to the left, cannons to the right. How far we have come since then.


As a retired aircraft armamnet systems specialist (bomb loader) I can attest that loading and securing a bomb to an aircraft is fairly easy, however they do involved electrical and pneumatic systems at times whcih can fail and cause a bomb to leave the aircraft prematurely or not leave the aircrfat at all. A bomb may not leave the aircraft due to a lack of impulse cart installation or faliure to remove a saftey device.


Murmansk is not just USELESS - it will actually be a LIABILITY to Russia in case of war.... There is ONLY ONE ROAD from Russia into Murmansk, and it is EASILY within range of Finnish attack - barely 70 km in several places - making it EASY to completely ISOLATE the city. If Russia wants to keep the city - it will HAVE TO expend HUGE amounts of defence along that road - defences they DO NOT HAVE. On the NATO side - they can EASILY pick and choose when and where to attack the road - leaving Russia at a HUGE disadvantage.
Even if the Russians maintain control of Murmansk - the Northern Fleet can be effectively bottled up by positioning NATO resources between Norway-Svalbard-Greenland, with a backup line from Norway-Iceland-Greenland


I heard that the Russian Air Force may be using the same bolts from the Chinese "static" rocket test to secure their bombs. Better give those an extra turn Ivan!! 🤣🤣🤣


You guys are a great example of why mainstream media is losing to the internet. 1) You always quote your sources, 2) you consider all sources and evidence, 3) you always seek confirmation or corroboration, and 4) since I have been watching I have seen you scoop all mainstream media at least 3 times. If I were to give one criticism it would be that sometimes you "belabor your point, " but your weekly fundraiser more than makes up for that. (I wonder how much mainstream media raised last week?) Keep up the good work!


Thank You for your hard work as it’s paying off for the both of you. I bet Pootin thought it would be a walk in the park. Glory to Ukraine!


Thank you for the coverage and that was one hell of a fundraiser last night. I am so proud of the LSA and Slava Ukraine!!!!


Bro tou guys are the shit. No lie you guys need to be on the radio.. you always have the news first and it's always on point!


The Russians drop the glide bombs over Belgorad from the bombers and if the wings dont open they fall straight down so they have some trouble with the wings on the glide bombs. Thanks Enforcer for another solid report Viva LSA and Slava Ukraini


Thanks for your continuing marvellous coverage. All the best from North Wales in the UK!


Love your updates. Keep 'em comin' 👍


I can't believe the Ukraine doesn't possess the know how to make rockets capable of striking most of Russia... There's no embargo on the Ukraine. We can't send them some rocket parts?


Russian glide bombs are being released from planes correctly. The issue is that the retrofitted glide kits do not open correctly, so the bombs drop rather than glide.


The Russians might as well call it quits while they still have a black sea fleet and ports for that matter left.


The best and most up to date news on all the madness going on around the world


Not a miscalculation, it’s a “special military calculation”