Event 6: Internet Governance in Asia: A New Focus for U.S.-Japan Cooperation?

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Date and Time
Feb. 26 (Wed.) 10:00am-11:30am

Ambassador Room, The Embassy Row Hotel
2015 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC 20036

Asia is the fastest growing part of the global economy and much of this dynamism is coming from the growth of the Internet Economy. As global leaders in the development and deployment of new Internet technologies and business services, Japan and the US are well positioned to drive and benefit from this growth. However, the benefits may not be fully realized unless region-wide agreements can be developed on cross-board data transfer and in sensitive areas, such as privacy policy and cyber security. While the US and the EU are moving ahead to develop common approaches in this area, the dialogue in Asia on Internet governance is still fragmentary and plagued by claims from some governments in the region that national "cyber sovereignty" not a universal "right to access" should be the fundamental organizing principle for the Internet. Can Japan and the US find common ground on principles and proposals for Internet governance in Asia and what mechanisms, e.g. the US-Japan Internet Economy Dialogue, TPP and APEC, might serve as platforms for mobilizing other countries in the region behind this agenda? What might be the building blocks for such an initiative and how concretely can it contribute to Japanese and US company interest in deploying new technologies and services in Asia, such as Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Internet of Things?

James J. Foster, Professor, Keio University

Jiro Kokuryo, Vice Chair, U.S.-Japan Research Institute / Vice-President, Keio University

Daniel Castro, Senior Analyst, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Andrew Harris, U.S. Department of State
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